Thomas Imagine #1

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Y/N means 'your name'. And POV means 'point of view' just incase you didn't know xD enjoy my first imagine gladers x


I have been in the glade for almost a year now. I'm the only girl in the glade and not too long ago all the keepers threw a meeting to discuss what job I'm best at in the glade. And they decided that I should be a track hoe. It's quite tiring but surprisingly I enjoy it- I mean, I didn't like any of the other jobs in the glade and I just found gardening the easiest.

I woke up really early and got my breakfast that Frypan had prepared for me. I sat down by Minho and nudged him. "Hey Minho." Minho smirked and then poked me for no apparent reason. He often played me up but we were good friends. "Hey Y/N, new greenie is gonna be coming up today." He said and then took a bite of his bread. I just remembered a new greenie comes up at the same time every month. "Oh yeah. Wonder what this one'll be like." I said to him as I started to eat my breakfast.

After I had finished breakfast, I got to work with gardening. Newt was there, he often helped me out and because of the time we spend together he had become like a brother to me. "Hi Y/N, how's it going?" He asked at me in his usual British accent. "Good, Newt. How's your leg?" I asked. He laughed. "Pretty much the same Y/N, but oh wait, Jeff did say it was getting a little stronger. I think it's just gonna take its bloody time to heal." He said, shrugging at the end.

After about half an hour, the dog of the glade came up to me, wagging his tail. I smiled when I saw him. He always followed me around the glade and sometimes even helped me out. Not just with my dinner but with chores as well. I gave him the name 'Chester' as none of the other gladers bothered to name him.

"Ya know he always seems to light up when he sees you. And literally does everything you tell him to. He never listens to me and he even tries to bite Gally." Newt said, referring to Chester. He smiled towards the end when he said about Gally. "Maybe I'm a dog whisperer." I said to Newt who chuckled slightly. Just then, the alarm went off - the one that signified the arrival of the new greenie. "Come on then, let's go see them."

We ran over to the box to see some others already getting a glimpse of the new greenie. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd to see a boy who looked around 15/16 years old. He had brown hair that matched his brown eyes that were as deep as melted chocolate. He was actually quite... cute. Then, Gally pulled him up out of the box so he was now on the grass of the glade. The greenie looked confused and a little scared. I wanted to reassure him, tell him that it's okay.

I had to get back to work then but I stared at the greenie while Alby was giving him the tour. Newt must've noticed because he said," See something you like?" He then smirked. I glared at him and mumbled a short, "no."

When me and Newt had finished work, we got our dinner and sat down on a table with Minho, Zart, Jeff, Chuck and sat next to him... was the new greenie. "Hey Y/N!" Chuck said with a huge smile on his face. "Have you met Thomas?" Huh. Thomas. So that's his name.

Thomas gave me quick glance. And then looked away. My heart sank. He didn't like me. If he didn't like me, then I didn't like him. I wouldn't wanna waste time thinking about someone who doesn't even like me. "Thomas, this is Y/N." Chuck introduced me. Thomas looked my way again and nodded. We all ate, everyone talking apart from me and Thomas who just sat there in silence. To be honest with you, Frypan isn't the BEST chef in the world so I was secretly feeding Chester half my dinner under the table. And I just wanted to get away from Thomas. But it was hard to stop thinking about him.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go put all the gardening equipment away." I announced, standing up. "Okay see ya!" Minho called after me as I walked away with Chester following close behind. When I was nearly done putting away the gardening tools, I saw Thomas approaching me. "Hey" he said to me. I was shocked. He talked to me. He then bent down to pet Chester. "What's his name?" He asked me. "Ch-Chester." I choked out. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. I was being a right shuck- face as Minho would have put it.

"He seems to like you" said Thomas. "Yeah." Was all I could answer. Thomas stood up and looked into my eyes. I couldn't stop myself from blushing. "You have really pretty eyes." He said. I blushed more, if it was possible. He stared at his feet, looking a bit red himself. It was as if he just realised he said that aloud. "Anyway, I will see you around." He said, returning his gaze to mine before walking away with Chuck to be assigned to a hammock. While he was walking away I caught him look over his shoulder, multiple times.

I smiled. Maybe I did like this boy.

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