4 pt.2: sealing the deal

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Continued from where we left off last chapter...

Ariana's pov

"Ari?" Y/n questions out, making me tense up even more. And it's not like I can hide from her anymore, especially in this little ass office room, so, sucking up my nerves I spin my chair around to face her, putting on my best normal smile even though I was ready to burst at the seams.

"Hi" I responded back, because when my eyes made contact with hers, it was the only thing I could get out

"Um hi" she spoke back nervously, which I found cute and I'm sure everyone in the room could tell by the way I was silently gawking at her.

"I'm sorry, did we interrupt? We can leave until you guys are finished if-" she started but I cut her off

"No!" I yelped out louder and quicker then I intended to, her eyes snapped to me and a small smile appeared on her face as a raging blush appeared onto mine, and I could hear Vic and Courtney snickering to themselves in the background. And before I could follow up on my outburst, scooter beat me to it.

"As Ariana said, no you're not interrupting" scooter spoke with a chuckle making me turn back to him with a slight glare "you three have a seat, and let's get to the point" he finished. And at that ant and Mari rushed to sit next to each other, leaving the only open seat for y/n right next to me. I giggled when I caught her take a deep breath and gulp before taking her seat.

When she sat down, my senses were on high alert almost immediately, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I could feel every little movement she made, her energy just radiated off of her, and I was loving it.

"Let's just get right into it, we're very very interested in signing you y/n" he pauses "and obviously that comes with a lot of negotiation, paper work and etc. but we're gonna save all of the boring stuff until the end. However if you were to sign with us, I would be the one managing you" he pauses again "so what's gonna happen is Ariana is gonna give you guys a tour along with Courtney and Alexa, you'll meet some of the other important people who work here, you'll get to spend some time in a studio, and after all that we'll meet back up to discuss what working with us could look like and get a contract written up if you choose to sign with us, does that sound good?" He finally finishes

"Yea that sounds great" she responds, and ant and mari agree with her

"Great, I'll leave you guys to it then" scooter speaks

Time skip

"Alright, so what do you guys wanna start with first? There's a lot we can go see" I spoke, putting on my carefree persona and breaking the ice, as me and y/n walked in the front side by side with the rest of our friends behind us.

"You know your way around here, just take us to whatever's closest and we can make our way around" y/n replies

"Ok, photo area first, it's this way" I say motioning for them to follow me

"So uh" y/n starts as we make our way across the lobby "how've you been? You know with all the press and everything? That's gotta be stressful no?" She finished

"It's been a bit hectic for sure, and I can't seem to stay out of the headlines, but it's nothing I'm not used to" I replied, being completely honest with the taller girl, making her hum "what about you Mrs pop star, how's the fame been treating you?" I added

"Yo it's crazyyy" she dragged out "me and Mari were out yesterday at the gas station and we had like a whole ass mob come up to us, and it's not like we have body guards or anything yet so we were stuck there for like an hour, it was really fun though" she spoke making me chuckle

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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