Girl Meets Father

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Maya. Let's go," I said. Maya sighed. "I told you, Dyl. I'm not going back to that place." Maya said. "Maya-" I started. "No, Dylan. Don't. I told you. I'm not going back," Maya said, and disappeared into the hallway.

I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding and walked out the door, to Riley's apartment.


"You made your point, okay?" I asked, Maya. I was now in Riley's bedroom windows with her and Maya. "You didn't come to school today and your teacher is really upset with you." Riley continued. I nodded. "He's not my teacher anymore." Maya told us. I rolled my eyes.

"I now attend a prestigious online academy." Maya told us. "Welcome to the Frank Mantucci on da computer school, where youse get out of it what you put into it. And what you need to put into it is 400 dollars. Gimme." A guy on the computer said in a Brooklyn accent. "You paid that?" Riley asked.

"I took the test to see if I qualify for the free trial." Maya replied. "Maya, it's a scam!" I shouted, "They take anybody!"

"Congratulations!" The computer guy shouted. "I got in!" Maya said in enthusiasm. "You are the first person to ever fail the Frank Mantucci on da computer school. How'd you do dat?" The computer finished. Riley and I shared a knowing look. We turned back to Maya. "How'd you do dat?" We said in unison, mimicking the guy on the computer.

"We asked: "Name?" You didn't put nuttin'." The dude said. "Well, at least you were smart enough not to give them your name." Riley pointed out. I nodded. "It's not that I'm smart enough." Maya told us. "Then what is it?" I asked. "Maybe sometimes I'm not so proud of who I am." Maya replied. I looked down at my palms when she answered.

Riley's door opened, revealing Topanga. " How's it going in here?" She asked. "Mom, tell Maya to come back to school regular school." Riley ordered. I nodded. "Hmm. So you two don't like this, huh?" Topanga asked. "Of course not!" Riley and I shouted in unison.

"Maya always comes to school with us." I stated. "She always picks me up with Dylan at-" Riley started. "Like a tradition?"Topanga asked, cutting her off. "Yeah!" Riley shouted. A moment of realization struck Riley. "Oh." Riley mumbled. "You know, even though you're a mother, that was creepy good." I told Topanga.

"So, Maya doesn't show up like she's supposed to and how does that make you feel?" Topanga asked. "Oh" Riley said. " Honey, you have to go to him. He feels bad. You have to go to your father." Topanga told her daughter. "I feel bad. Will he come to me?" Maya asked. "No. He's your teacher." I pointed out. "He doesn't have to." Riley continued. "But he will." Topanga reassured.

"What?" Maya asked in disbelief. "He doesn't have to, but he will." Topanga answered. "Why?" Riley asked. "Because he's always there." Topanga replied. The door opened again, revealing Cory. "Always." Cory said. He grabbed Maya by the hand, and lead her out of the room. Riley and I followed.


"Read it." Mr. Matthews told Maya. Riley and I were standing in the doorway which lead into the hallways. Maya had her test in her hands. "I don't want to do this, Mr. Matthews." Maya said, trying to stand up. "Sit down." I ordered. "You can't tell me-" Maya began. "I just did." I said, cutting her off. "Thanks." Riley said, as she and I sat down on each side of Maya. "Go ahead." I said.

"Darwin animal studies were thought to be when the travels he took on the boat with the Beatles." Maya read from her test. "Are you kidding me?" Riley and I asked. "Do they have to be here?" Maya asked.

"What were you trying to do?" Cory asked her. "I tried to write it like I was smart. Like Dylan," Maya said. I looked at her in disbelief. "You are smart, Maya." I told her. "What did you mean to say?" Cory asked. "Darwin studied animals." Maya replied. "What kind?" Cory asked, again. "I don't know." Maya admitted. "She does know." Riley said. "I don't know. You think I don't what I don't know?" Maya asked. "I think you know more than you don't know, but you don't know that!" Riley replied. "You know what?" Maya asked.

"What did Darwin study?" Cory asked. "Birds." Maya answered. "There you go." Cory said. "Really? I got that one wrong." Riley admitted. "You want to be smart, Maya? Say what you mean. I understood that perfectly, and you're correct." Cory told her. "That's all I had to say?" Maya asked.

"What was the name of his boat?" Cory asked. "The Beatles." Maya replied. I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Isn't that the band?" I asked. "The beagle. It's a tiny difference, but an important one." Cory said, ignoring my comment, "Because if you know it, Maya, you don't fail." "I want to not fail." Maya told us.

"What kind of birds did he study?" Cory asked. "I don't know." Maya said, shrugging. "You do." I told her. "Finches." Maya answered. "And what else?" I asked. "Finches and mockingbirds." Maya replied. "Yes." I told her. "How did you two know she knew?" Cory asked. "We know she listens to you." Riley answered. "I listen to you." Maya said. "Then you won't fail. And then neither will I." Cory said.

Topanga walked in. "How about some Turkey sandwiches?" Topanga asked. "Darwin didn't study turkeys. He studied finches and mockingbirds. His boat was the beagle." Maya said. "And for extra credit?" Cory asked. "Galapagos. The islands he studied were the Galapagos." Maya answered. "Because she listens to me." Cory told Topanga.

"Hey, Maya. Watch this." Cory said. He took a red pen and changed Maya's F into an A. "You're giving me an 'A'?" Maya asked in disbelief. "No, I'm giving you a 'C+'. But I want you to see how easily an "F" can become an "A. Nothing to be ashamed of anymore, Maya." Cory told her. I gently smiled.

"My dad doesn't live with-" Maya started. I grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze. "It's okay." I told her. "He's got this new family." Maya said. "Maya, you don't have to-" Topanga started. "I do have to. I have to be able to talk to you." Maya said, cutting her off, "If you give me an "F," if you decide I'm not worth working on-" "Maya, take a look around you." I told her, cutting her off. "We're all here for you. Does this look like we think you're not worth working on?" Cory asked. "I just don't want to fail, Mr. Matthews. Thank you." Maya said.

"I don't want to go to the dance! The dance doesn't matter to me at all! I want to go on the cyclone with you more than anything in the world!" Riley shouted. "You're going to the dance." Cory told her. "Hooray!" iley said, dreamily. "I'm going to chaperone." Cory said. "What's that mean?" Riley asked, raising her hand. "Hand." Maya told her. "What's that mean?" Riley asked, lowering her hand. "Grown-up voice." I told her. "Lucas, hello." Riley said. "What's that mean?" Cory asked. I giggled.


I sat on a chair, at the table my friends and I were sitting at. Riley was on the dance floor with Lucas. They were slow-dancing very weirdly. Maya was dancing with Farkle. I already had my dance with Farkle, so. It was Maya's turn. I took out the little diary I had created the other day. I also took out a pencil. I began to write.

Dear Diary,

I almost lost my best friend this week. If Maya didn't talk to Mr. Matthews, I would of lost my big sister. Which would mean, I would have to grow up a little. But I'm not ready for that yet. I'm so grateful I still have Maya. If I didn't it would be the end of my world. Of course, I still have Riley. But Maya is my older sister. She is like the other half of me. Without her I wouldn't know who I am.

The music stopped playing, so that was when I put my diary away. I looked up and saw Mr. Matthews. "Well, guys, it looks like the night is winding down. We hope you all enjoyed the dance. But before we go, I notice some fathers have arrived to pick up their daughters. I wonder if we might have one last dance." Cory suggested. The whole room was filled with cheer. "A father-daughter dance." Cory said. I looked down at my shoes, as the soft music began to play.

I looked up again and saw Cory dancing with Maya. I smiled. Cory glanced at me and offered me his other hand. I stood up and took it. I smiled. Riley also joined us. So we spent the rest of the night dancing, before going home.


I opened the front door of the Matthews' apartment. "'Sup, goofballs?" I greeted. "Hey, Riley, 7:00." Maya told her. Riley grabbed her bag and walked out the door with Maya and I following.

"Hey, Dyl. You know I love you right?" Maya asked. "I know. I love you too," I told her.

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