Chapter 24

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Sano Mizuki P.O.V.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, as I let Ran pull me with him while he follows Rindou. "Just to watch something" Ran says. "Watch what?" I ask. "A fight" he says. "People actually come here to watch these things?" I ask, as we walk up a junkyard and I see already groups up upon cars, ready. "Yeah." Ran says. I pull my hand from his. "I'd rather not. Can't I just go, I've got some projects to finish" I say. Ran turns toward me. "The last time I left you by yourself, you landed in the hospital" Ran says, his eyes annoyed. When I don't respond he grabs my arm and pulls me with him. He greets his friends, and sits down, so I sit down next to him. Both groups walk in and my heart sinks when I see Mikey. "You knew this" I say. "Of course. This is why I came" Ran says. I press my lips together, as the guy that acts as a referee announces the start of the fight. "Can't I just go? I have no desire to see my little brother fight" I say. "Stop being so annoying, sit down and shut up" Ran says, annoyed. I scoff, cross my arms and turn my back to him, but stay seated. Mikey chases Kazutora, and both of them ended up on a pile of cars, where Mikey becomes ambushed by two guys of Valhalla. Mikey fends off an attack, but lands on his knees, which Kazutora taunts him for. He reveals that the uneven surface of the cars prevents Mikey from using effective kicks. Though he avoids an attack by one, but the other leaps at Mikey's back. While Mikey takes on the guys, Kazutora watches and picks up a metal pipe from the discarded cars. Mikey is able to hold off the two, but Kazutora strikes him with the pipe, knocking him unconscious. I whimper softly, standing up, but Ran grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me back seated. "Don't" he says. "You can't go over there now" he adds, looking at me seriously. "You can't get caught in the middle of them fighting" Ran says. "That's my baby brother!" I hiss. "And that is the risk of a fight" Ran answers before he turns his gaze back to the fight. I gasp, as Mikey regains consciousness. "I want to go. I can't watch this" I whimper.

"Has Manjiro come out of his room at all?" I ask. "Not since Keisuke's funeral" Emma answers, looking up from her dinner. "Are you worried?" Grandfather asks. "A little bit, yes" I answer. "Want me to go get him?" Emma asks. "No, I'll go." I say, taking off my apron. "Shouldn't you eat something?" Grandfather asks. "No, I'm not really hungry. I'll be back" I say, walking out and to Mikey's room. I hesitate before opening it. It used to be Shinichiro's and I haven't been inside since he died. I knock and open the door. "Manjiro" I say, stepping into the dark. Mikey is sitting on his bed, in the dark. "You shouldn't be sitting here like this" I say, then turn on the light. His expression is blank. "If you feel that bad about it, go pay respects to his grave" I say. Mikey looks at me. "I will, I just need a minute" Mikey says. "I'm sorry about your friend, Manjiro" I say, leaning against his door. "I'm sorry you had to see that" Mikey says. "I'm not that fragile." I say, smiling slightly. "I didn't want you to see that side of me" Mikey says. "Since when has that side been there?" I ask. "Since he died" he answers. "So it all comes down to that huh?" I ask. "If your fiancé takes you to watch that kind of thing, he isn't the right guy for you" Mikey says. "No other will take me" I say. "I'm sure that's not true" Mikey says. I smile. "I'm sure the girls swoon over you, Manjiro. I don't have that luxury. I'm not pretty, or talented. I'm just plain old me." I say. "What's wrong with that?" He asks. "Plenty apparently. I'm happy, isn't that enough?" I ask. "Not if you're settling for less than you're worth" Mikey says. "It's sweet that you're thinking that. But I'm not. Why don't you come eat dinner. I made something tasty" I say. "I'm not really hungry" Mikey says. "Me neither. But we'll worry Ojiisan if we don't eat something" I say. "I guess we'll have to then" Mikey says softly, standing up. I stand up straight, and open the door to let Mikey pass. He stops as he's in the doorway. He looks up to me. "You don't have to do everything by yourself, you know" he says. I smile slightly. "Right back at ya" I say, poking his forehead.

Ran takes his hands from my eyes. "What do you think?" He asks happily. I look around. I stand in the kitchen of an apartment. I see the front door and something that I think is going to be a living room. Ran takes my hand and pulls me in a room. "This is de bedroom, and that's the bathroom" he says, pointing to the other door in the room. I turn to Ran. "Is it yours?" I ask. "Yeah, I rented it for us." Ran says and he wraps his arms around my hips. "It's not much" he says softly. "But I'm working hard so that someday soon, I can get us something better" Ran whispers, placing his forehead against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. "It's perfect" I say softly, before kissing him. "Yeah?" Ran asks. "Yeah. You went and got us an apartment. We're not even married yet" I chuckle. "My grandfather will never allow it" I whisper, sadly. "Probably, but at least we don't have to meet at our parents house anymore. We can just hang here" Ran says. "Yeah" I say. I smile slightly before kissing Ran again. As Ran kisses back he pulls me closer against him. "I love you" I whisper as our lips part. "Hmm I love you too" Ran says kissing me again. Ran groans softly as he leans his head against my shoulder. "Can't we just get married yet, so you can move in here and we can start our life together" he says. I chuckle and hug him. "Patience" I say softly. Ran raises his head. "Yeah, yeah patience" he sighs. "I'll go talk to my grandfather again" I say. "I've been through a lot lately, and you've been by my side every time. He should...he has to take that into account" I say. Ran smiles. "He just wants what's best for you. I can't blame him for that" he says. Ran places a kiss on my forehead. "The fact that you want it as badly as I do, is good enough for now." He says. This time it's my turn to place my head against his shoulder. "Of course I do." I whisper. "Good. Now let's go shopping for furniture" Ran says. When I look at him, he smirks. "Or don't you want to help me with that?" He asks. I chuckle. "If you'll let me" I say.

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