Ch-4 An written apology

Start from the beginning

Elsewhere, the sturdy thud of boots echoed through the great hall, creating with it a tremolo of click and clack on the tiled floor. The footsteps were nervous and paced. The figure crossed the marble floor. The dimly lit corridor produced a dark looming shadow of a man, walking hastily, making his way through the long corridors. The lantern he held rocked to and fro from his fast movements. His leather brown-coat swayed with his swift turns, as if landing a waltz of its own. His cold breath was wavering and stiff.

The man halted in-front of a wooden door detailed with a finicky silver doorknob

'Dorm- 3100'


The pattering of the rain against the window arose Ethan from his sleep. He glanced at Anna who was snoring peacefully from across the room. Ethan had chose to room with Anna for the night in order to help Alex focus on writing the apology. Which meant Alex was completely alone. 

'Alex must have completed writing, i'm not used to sleeping in an other bed.....' Ethan muttered as he gathered himself out of the room. Shutting the door softly, he begun walking towards his dorm. 

'Dorm- 3100'

Reaching for the silver door knob, he opened the door and entered. he glanced at Alex's bed which was empty. 

'Where the devil is he? it's nearly 4 am' Ethan thought as he made his way to his bed. laying on his soft pillow he thought 'Should i go search for him?'

He turned around as he draped his blanket over his body, 'he must be in the terrace, he will come back....yawn....on his own.....'

with this, he drifted on to a blissful sleep. 


Morning came early as the sunlight splashed in through the trellis of the square windows. Ethan stirred as he slowly awakened, greeted by morning sunlight on his face. He opened his eyes and shut them quickly as the bright rays of the sun nearly blinded him. He lifted himself from the cot as he opened his eyes, shading them and made way towards the bathroom. 

His muscled tightened up as ice cold water shot out from the shower. Shutting it quickly, Ethan wrapped his body in a towel as he emerged out of the shower. Waking towards the closet, he glanced around whilst picking out his clothes. He noticed that Alex had not returned from the last night. 

Getting dressed he made his way towards the cafeteria where he met Anna, picking out some bread onto her plate. 

"hey" Ethan greeted her as he grabbed a tray and begun serving himself beside her.

"Morning" Anna said with a smile "Did u leave last night?"

Ethan who was in a trance didn't answer her, and instead kept loading piles and piles of butter onto his bread. 

"um.....Ethan?" Anna poked him experimentally, and when he didn't respond, she shook him violently as one would shake a tree to make a few apples fall onto the ground. 

Ethan having woken up from his reverie, found himself being shaken to and fro rapidly. 

"Ethan!!!" Anna screamed as she continued to shake him

"huh?" Ethan asked looking at her after she had finally stopped. 

"I asked you if you had left last night" Anna replied as she continued to fill her tray.

Ethan following her replied "Yea, i found it hard to sleep in a new place"

Anna nodded, picking up some juice and heading towards an empty table.

Ethan quickly grabbed something without looking and ran to catch up with her. As they set down their trays and sat, Ethan spoke up.

"Do you know where Alex is? " He asked taking a bite off his toast and he spat it out, "Gosh, who put so much butter?" he asked drinking some juice. He grimaced as a bitter tase enveloped his mouth. Holding the juice in his mouth he looked down on what he drank. 

'Madame stout's bitter gourd juice'

He held his mouth as he spat in an empty cup.

He then decided to glance down at his plate, he had to prevent himself from retching, pushing the plate away, he wiped his mouth.

Anna shook her head and offered him some bread and water which he gladly accepted. as Ethan tore a pice from the bread, he begun talking between bites.

"So....last night......i....Alex....." 

"Eat and then talk!" Anna chided him as he was spilling crumbs all over. Ethan nodded and apologised. they ate in silence and after cleaning up after himself, Ethan and Anna made way to Ethan's and Alex's shared dorm. 

"Alex wasn't there last night , he didn't come in the morning as well, he also skipped breakfast in the cafeteria." Ethan explained as he sat on his bed. 

Anna nodded and then, the door opened, as Alex entered the dorm.

"Alex?!" Ethan and Anna cried in unison

Alex who had just entered looked at them startled, "Oh, hi"

"Where have you been?" Anna asked crossing her arms

"At Mr. Paul's office, I gave him my letter." He replied casually as he took a seat near his bed.

"Where were you last night then? Why didn't you give him the letter yesterday?" Anna asked

"Alex...." Ethan muttered

"What happened last night?" 
















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