Tangled Emotions

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A few days later, Rishita started showing signs of recovery, and on the other hand, Darshan made numerous attempts to contact Rishita's remaining relatives, but to no avail. He was determined not to let Rishita end up in an orphanage, so he decided that he would bring her to his own home.

After completing the necessary paperwork and following the adoption process, Darshan legally adopted Rishita.

In the initial days, Rishita remained in a state of quietude as the accident had caused significant blood loss, leading to weakness. The grief of losing her entire family weighed heavily on her young heart.

During this challenging time, Shiva, stepped up to help Rishita. He would make sure to provide her with juice, soup, and medications at the right times, offering his support and comfort.

Everything seemed fine initially, but as Rishita started recovering, she became restless and tried to escape from the house because she developed a deep resentment towards Shiva's father, Darshan. She had never seen anyone raising their voice at her father, and this troubled her. She started feeling that Darshan was somehow responsible for her family's death because on the day of the argument, her father Janardhan was extremely tense. He had been visibly agitated and driving recklessly before the accident happened. At such a young age, Rishita had witnessed a tremendous shock, losing her entire family and seeing them depart from her life. Now, she found it difficult to trust anyone.

Seeing Rishita's cold behavior, Shiva's parents started focusing more on her, trying even harder to care for her than before. However, the more they tried to understand her pain and connect with her, the more Rishita's pain seemed to intensify. Consequently, she resorted to screaming, shouting, breaking things, and attempting to run away from home.

On the other hand, Lil Shiva had never witnessed such an atmosphere in his home before. Initially, he felt a bit uneasy but never showed it to anyone, and nobody paid attention to how troubled he was. He was not at all pleased with Rishita's behavior. He couldn't understand why she was behaving this way with his parents, and why his parents were so invested in caring for her instead of him. Shiva was confused and couldn't comprehend the sudden shift of attention towards Rishita, leaving him feeling left out and neglected.

One day, Rishita was running away from home, and as she ran, she tripped and fell on the road where there were many pieces of broken glass. Due to the impact, she badly injured her hands and legs, causing a profuse bleeding. Despite her attempts, the pain was so intense that she couldn't get up, and the excessive loss of blood caused her to lose consciousness. Luckily, she wasn't too far from home, and a staff member passing by noticed her and quickly brought her back home.

After bringing Rishita back home, she was given medication and put to rest in her room. On the other side, Shiva had a mild fever, so his mother Suman was sitting beside him. However, when Suman learned about Rishita's condition, she became anxious. She noticed that Shiva was sleeping, thinking that she would check on Rishita after a while. She left Shiva's room and went to Rishita's room, where she found her peacefully sleeping. Suman gently placed her hand on Rishita's head and emotionally said, 'How long will you keep hurting yourself like this, Beta?'

Feeling Suman's touch, Rishita's pretended sleep was broken, but she continued to pretend. For some unknown reason, Suman's touch brought her a sense of solace that she had never felt before, so she pretended to sleep a little longer to allow Suman to stay by her side for a little longer. It was the first time in this family's presence that Rishita didn't feel any anger.

After some time, Shiva's sleep was disrupted, and he noticed that his mother was not by his side. He started searching for her and eventually found her sitting beside Rishita, engrossed in her care. Seeing this, Shiva felt angry and returned to his room, thinking, 'I never trouble anyone like Rishita does, yet Mom and Dad pay more attention to her than me. They don't even think about me, and Rishita doesn't even talk nicely to Mom and Dad; she only knows how to fight'.

As time passed, Shiva's feelings of resentment grew stronger. It wasn't his fault; the circumstances before him were bound to create feelings of hatred in any child's mind.

Will Rishita accept this family, and will Shiva come to consider Rishita as his sister?

I hope you all like this chapter.
See you in the next one.
Thanks for reading❤️

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