Annoyed, Rohan replies, "He was being a hero on the field today."

"But boss, he plays the game really well," Jeet defends Abhi.

"That doesn't matter. Some games have to be played off the field. Go and somehow get the keys for the notice board," Rohan orders Jeet.

After the game, Abhi remains in the locker room, with all the other boys having left. Then, Rohan enters, drinking his energy drink.

"Well played, state level?" Rohan inquires.

Abhi humbly replies, "Pind level."

"Pind level? What's that?" Rohan chuckles.

Abhi pulls up his jacket and explains, "I used to play with the boys in the village."

Amused, Rohan teases, "Really? That's why you play rough?"

Abhi retorts, "Don't know about rough, I play solid. Sometimes, you tend to lose when you focus on style, right?"

Rohan smirks and asserts, "Listen, you village Beckham, arrogance has a limit, and the person who can cross that in this college is me."

"Why? Are you the PM's son?" Abhi jokes.

"Think of it like that," Rohan replies.

In response, Abhi gestures his middle finger playfully, saying, "Don't worry, I'll vote for your Dad."

As Abhi starts to leave, Rohan laughs and warns, "So much anger, such attitude is not good for your health."

Abhi turns back, stands right in front of Rohan, and challenges, "Now, do you want to become a mother?"

Rohan jests, "No, father of yours."

Abhi puts down his bag angrily, and Rohan adjusts his shoes, casually stating, "See you on the ground field after the medical."

"Medical?" Abhi is taken aback.

"Hmm, it's written on the notice board in English. You should read it," Rohan says, amused.

Abhi goes to check the notice board and discovers a notice about the urine test that all students must take and send their samples. Confused but not too concerned, he later approaches Dimpy to give his sample but feels awkward about it.

"Dimpy, just give this to Coach Shah, please," Abhi requests, avoiding details.

Dimpy wonders, "What's in it?"

Feeling awkward, Abhi can't say much and hands over the paper bag to Dimpy. Dimpy takes it, saying it's the first time, so it's free, but afterward, there'll be a charge. Then, Abhi leaves, not bothered by the silliness of Rohan and Jeet who were behind him.

As Dimpy was on his way to Coach Shah's place, Rohan and Jeet approach him. Rohan takes the wrapper from Dimpy's hands, and Jeet starts saying something strange. Before Dimpy can respond, Rohan gives the wrapper back to him, and they leave. Dimpy, being oblivious, doesn't understand what just happened and gives the packet to Coach Shah without suspecting anything.

Coach opens the package and finds a letter and a small plastic box with liquid inside. The letter claims it's Ganga-Jal, holy water. Thinking it's genuine, Coach decides to sprinkle it around the house for purification. However, to his disgust, he discovers that it's actually urine. Angrily, he calls all the students and sternly asks Abhi if he did it himself or if someone set him up.

Surprising everyone, Abhi takes responsibility and admits that he did it. Coach is not entirely convinced but decides to punish Abhi by making him run 50 rounds of the college campus without stopping.

Rohan and Jeet are left puzzled and cannot understand why Abhi would do such a thing. As the evening sets in, Abhi is still running on the ground, his body covered in sweat. Dimpy approaches Abhi, and seeing him exhausted,

As Abhi was running for hours, Dimpy approached him and said, "Hey, listen DK Bose, stop running and listen."

Abhi, still running, replied, "Say."

Dimpy offered, "I have a dance booking with Sudo. Just give me 100 bucks, and I'll say you finished your rounds."

Abhi countered, "You give me 100 bucks, and I'll say you watched me run."

Dimpy, irritated, retorted, "You'll grow up to be a politician."

Abhi responded, "Did I ask for a bribe? Now go."

Dimpy walked away, but there was a boy standing and watching Abhi run, Rohan. Rohan couldn't understand what was going on and felt very confused. He stood there, gazing at Abhi, feeling a mix of emotions and anger toward he had now vanished.

Despite Rohan's tough exterior, he had a soft heart deep down. The next day, when Abhi was reading a book in the hall, Rohan called out to him from behind. At first, Rohan hesitated, but he wanted to know why Abhi did what he did.

Rohan: "Hey, hey hello, I'm talking to you."

Abhi: "It's Abhimanyu, namaste, not Hey hello."

Rohan (sarcastically): "Haha, Abhimanyu, thanks for yesterday, but you didn't have to save us."

Abhi: "I know, I really didn't have to."

Rohan: "Then why did you do it?"

Abhi showed him the book he was reading about great personalities from around the globe and said,

Abhi: "I was trying to act magnanimous, wanted to know how great people feel."

Rohan: "You do know a few of your brain screws are loose?"

Abhi: "Maybe a few are loose, but you don't have any."

Rohan: "Very funny. You've heard my dad, it would rub off, wouldn't it?"

Abhi: "Your dad is not insane; he's just a little crooked. And he should be, to reach that position, you need to be crooked."

Rohan (takes Abhi's book from his hand): "Wow, wow, Gandhi in your hands with such lofty thoughts. Show some respect, man."

Abhi: "He should be in your pocket and not in your hands." (Abhi takes his book back from Rohan's hand)

Rohan: "God made a mistake; you should have been my father's son."

Abhi: "Why do you care so much about your dad?"

Rohan: "Maa, Baap, no one cares about anyone."

Abhi: "You do. You want to earn his respect, but he doesn't even want to lend it to you."

Rohan: "Wow, now you're an expert in parents' philosophy too?"

Abhi: "Yeah, I have after they left."

Rohan: "Left? On a holiday?"

Abhi: "Dude, they are dead."

Rohan was stunned, and couldn't say a word after that. Abhi looked at Rohan's face and laughed, saying,

Abhi: "Why are you giving up? Yours are alive, come on."

Rohan (pushes Abhi on the side): "Saale, tu jaanta hai na k tu bhot bada, tu bhot bada."

Abhi: "Yes, I know, 'Ch oo ki mathra, th ee ki mathra, y aa ki,' right?"

Rohan was confused, rubbed his head to think what he meant by that, looked back at Abhi, and then realized what he meant was "Chuthiya" (jerk). He burst into laughter, and they did a high-five, smiling at each other for the first time.

It's not that all their problems vanished, but their rivalry ended. They started talking and gradually, their relationship improved. They even played football together, leaving all the animosity behind.

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