Chapter 16 - Oh, Snap!

Start from the beginning

He turned a bit towards me to whisper in my ear. His hot breath hit my skin as he spoke and I shivered.

"What's wrong Lotus, why are you so red?" He teased.

Truthfully I affection always made me shy. I couldn't do anything so I just fiddled with my fingers and mumbled incoherent words. Supressing his laughter he blew into my ear. Making me straighten my back from electricity running down my spine, I froze. For a second then I turn to Choi with a glare.

"Don't do that, especially infront of everyone it's rude!" I lecture with a face of a tomato, while rubbing my ear.

Chuckling he pointed and I looked to see that we were left alone in the room. My eyes widened in confusion.

"They left when you were fiddling with your fingers. To give us some alone time," he answered my unasked question.

"See now we have the room all to ourselves. Some privacy," he smirked then quickly planted a kiss on my cheek.

Seeing that I had turned into a statue from that gesture he couldn't contain his laughter. "Oww, oww, oww, it hurts to laugh!" He breathed in between laughter.

Pouting I stood and turned to him arms crossed.

"Yup privacy, with you recovering! Any affection you get from me will be nurturing and caring. Meaning nothing lovey-dovey," I point out sticking a fruit in his mouth.

Luckily the fruit stopped any retort he had for me. All I got in reply was the glowering stares and the chipmunk cheeks.


"So you are 100% sure the spy isn't Choi?"
Hyun-Ki asked.

I nodded my head in reply, "yes, he is just a victim like I am. Did you find anything else out?"

"Yes we have. The gang really is keeping a close watch on your sister. Luckily you hired us to protect her and we are doing just that. We also just as you did found out that they are a drug organization but that's not all."

Of course there was more to it. Gangs, big well hidden gangs were usually extremely complicated. Luckily for us we were in a private room. Hyun-Ki had even checked to make sure that there was no cameras and or hidden mics. With how sneaky gangs were we had to be more careful.

"They also secretly making weapons. It a new thing so Choi wouldn't even know they are doing that. Luckily for you we are good at what we do."

My eyes widened. This gang did everthing. Though most gangs did all these things, this gang was leading it all.

"Let me guess, they are doing a dang good job at it too," I sighed and he nodded.

He pulled an envolope from his black leather case and placed it on the table infront of me. "Here."

Thinking it was more information on the gang I opened it. Shocked to see pictures of my sister. She was laughing, angry, casual, living. It brought a smile to my lips and ignored the stinging being my eyes.

"I figured you'd like to see how she is doing."

I smiled up at him, "Thank you...I miss her."

The two of us stayed quite and I looked at each photo that was carefully taken. Looking up I noticed that Hyun-Ki was slightly staring at each photo.

"So," I started putting the photos down, "What excuse did you use to stay by her side?"

He looked a bit taken back my question and peeled his eyes away from the photos.

"At first I told her that she was a targeted person for a dangerous group. It wasn't long until she put together that there was more to it."

My sister has always been really smart. She could have put together things with just a small clue.

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