The same guy from the book with unchecked anger issues, no sense of boundaries, and so possessive where he goes insane if some guy does as little as glance at the female lead, the only difference between Archer and Chris is he's only one murder away from being in the same level as Chris.

Oh wait no he already is,

He did kill someone.

That would be me if I get on his bad side.

At the end where all of Chris' crimes were exposed, Archer locked him, fed him inedible shit just enough to keep him alive, inflicted excruciating pain by gruesome methods, and repeated the cycle till he died on his own.

My body shivered as I recalled the disturbing ending from the book. Just the thought that it could happen to me was beyond frightening... My need to change the plot grew stronger, I would need to survive if I were to go back to where I've left off.

The thought of failing again wasn't less than death.

My eyes were glued to my future murderer. Analyzing his every move, I watched him swiftly glide through the ice. His face was cold, filled with determination and focus. As he shot the puck to the net with ease, that coldness instantly vanished, bursting into a huge smile as his teammates cheered for him. My heart beat out of my chest as if I ran through the entire continent.

An overwhelming emotion was consuming me.

Fear, that was it.

I couldn't wrap my head around the situation, the Archer I saw with my own two eyes was completely different.

The Archer from the hospital was nosy but kind and considerate who took the time of day to comfort a stranger. The simple words he had uttered were the same feeling I get when tasting the mushroom soup my mother makes, never failing to brighten up my day.

When I was drunk, he wasn't aggressive, he was patient even though I was a nuisance. He went out of his way to help me the best that he could when he could've easily left me.

Perhaps he has the same name and happens to be in the same school?

That was the only explanation I could think of. The book was supposed to be a shitty romance that would've been unacceptable in the real world, but that story won't exist without a shitty male lead.

"What the fuck man!" My thoughts were immediately interrupted by a loud yell sounding like Daniel. I stood up from my seat as I gradually approached the ruckus, observing from afar. "You brought him here?! Do you hate me that fucking much Allan!?" Daniel yelled, his voice cracking.

He took a step closer, grabbing him by the collar as he intensely glared at him. Thankfully, Archer came in between them before anything could further escalate. "Daniel, calm down man!" He said while trying to rip his hands off of Allan without ripping his shirt along with.

Daniel and Allan were fighting, it was a sight I never in a million years thought I'd see. Even with Daniel's foul mouth, they rarely fought to this extent. Back then they were close to the hip, giving me twice the headache. But ever since I've seen them together they have the opposite relationship.

"Look man! It was an accident, okay?! I didn't know there was a game coming! I just wanted to mess with the asshole a bit!" Allan defended.

Although hearing his intentions stung a bit, I wouldn't say I was surprised. Knowing Allan and his pettiness, it was something I was used to. But this was bigger than doodling on my face for refusing to lend him my notes. He purposefully brought me here to get ridiculed knowing everyone hated my guts.

And of course he didn't think of the consequences, he didn't think doodling on my face would strengthen my resolve in not lending him my notes, and now he didn't think bringing me here would risk Daniel's position or how this would hurt me.

"He never mentioned anything about the game," I spoke as I walked towards them, done with watching from the sidelines. "Even after it was announced, I and everyone here can testify how he stood in shock, like a fish gasping for air."

Daniel loosened his grip, gazing at Allan with a smile creeping up his lips. "He does look like a fish..." He mumbled, earning a few chuckles from the team.

As their laughter dispersed, I continued, "As coach said, she was just about to announce the game so none of us were supposed to know until now."

"Unless Allan got first hand information from administration, which I highly doubt that's the case. He most likely forgot Daniel only got into the team because Chr- I wasn't around. He just doesn't seem to be the type to make the effort in making that meticulous plan."

"He isn't smart enough to think that far!" One of them commented, which led to a fit of laughter.

Allan scowled as he deeply furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at me. "Thanks... I guess..." He whispered so quietly that only I could hear. I simply nodded, restraining a smile. His words sounded reluctant, but it didn't sound any less pleasant.

He then turned to face Daniel. "I never meant this to happen, so... just forgive me already!"

Daniel placed a hand on his chin. "I'll think about it, in one condition." A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. He stepped closer to him while Archer backed away, still cautiously observing. Daniel leaned down to Allan's height, whispering into his ear.

His eyes widened, roughly pushing Daniel off. "Fu- Fuck off! There's no fucking way I'm agreeing to that!" His face turned dark red as he wasted no time running to the exit.

Weird... how'd he get that shameless idiot so flustered?

"Allan! We still-" Archer started, but it wasn't long till Allan came stomping back with his head hanging low with coach close behind him.

Our attention went immediately to her, all standing silently, holding our breaths as we awaited her words. Her eyebrows deeply furrowed, the atmosphere immediately turning tense.

"James left." As she uttered those two simple words, the entire team went into a riot.

"Dammit James! Why'd you have to go through with it!"

"That fucking traitor!"

"Those damned theatre kids...! Stealing one of our own!"

"I'm coming for his ass!"

"You have to rephrase that, Nile..."

"Guys guys! Please quiet down!" Archer demanded in a calm but stern voice, causing the loud yells to disperse into quiet murmurs."

"Fucking James..."

"I'll destroy his ass when I see him..."

"That doesn't sound any better, Nile..."

Coach rubbed her temples as she cleared her throat. "Thank you Archer, now as I was saying." She turned to her team with a fierce gaze, instantly eliminating the noise. "Jim has finalized his leave so we're missing a player."

She turned to me. "Chris, I don't like you, but I give credit where credit's due. You're very skilled and we could use a player like you. So starting today you're a permanent player in the team."


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Ohhh man this chapter was a doozy. I can't believe I initially planned for Daniel to be a timid innocent guy that gradually gets corrupted by Allan, but I just woke up one day and decided to make him a menace and do the corrupting instead! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

And uh oh! Could there be something between James and Nile? 👀 Find out in the next episode of tofu's mildly strange journey!

Hope you guys like this chapter! I'm excited to write more about this friend group! Have a fantastic day! Love y'all ♥️
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