Chapter 7 Old Wound's Reopened

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Valern: We also thought this decision ultimately useless to you seeing as you cared little for your kind in general.

Jokotsu glared at Valern for a moment before glancing at you for a moment. He then sheathed his blade as he turned around to face the Council.

Jokotsu: While you are sorely mistaken Counselor Valern, I'll ignore this transgression. After all, you've already picked the man I was going to select.

For the first time since coming here, you finally stepped forward with a question.

Y/N: What's Your game? You accept a Pointless duel, Kill someone, and threaten the council just to get to me. Why am I worth all this trouble? I'm just One Human.

You stated as you honestly didn't think one man was worth all this effort. However, it wasn't just Jokotsu who thought your skills could be used elsewhere.

Jokotsu: While I don't approve of them going behind my back, I think the Council and I agree on one thing. Simply Solving the crimes on the Citadel would be a waste of your talents. You've also proved yourself to the council by not just surviving Doxá, but also Taking down Drug rings, Trafficking rings, and Even entire gangs. The list goes on obviously... But...

You let out a sigh as you already figured out that while he had picked you as a Specter Candidate he was either not completely convinced or putting you through your paces to see what you could do. Which means one of those cloaked figures is about to fight you in all likelihood.

Y/N: Let me guess. I've got to fight either one of your assistants.

The Cold General nodded as you had hit the nail on the head. Jokotsu was surprised by not just how quickly you figured that out, but also by how bold you were as well.

Jokotsu: Yes that would be correct. Although my Assistants aren't exactly easy to take down... So you may use lethal force. I'm sure they'll be eager to use it on you. Use any means you see fit, although the Counsel will most certainly complain about stray shots if you decide to use a gun. So I'm afraid those are off the table. Not like they'll be much use anyway.

That doesn't sound good. In fact, it sounds like his Assistants fit the role of Assassin better. Regardless you knew buying time for your team was needed now more than ever... So you decided to play along with Jokotsu's game.

Y/N: Fine. I'll just use my Omni-Blade and my Wits. I don't care if I have to fight them...

You paused and looked right into Jokotsu's cold eyes with a healthy dose of determination.

Y/N: Or You.

The Council looked somewhat shocked as did the STG. They thought you'd either gone mad or were Braver than most of their Specters. Jokotsu on the other hand was mildly amused.

Jokotsu: Really? Hm... I might have to rethink my approach then...

Soon after he said that he turned towards to the Council as he intended to have a brief pause to rethink his Trial.

Jokotsu: We will have a brief period of rest before continuing. I have much to think about.

He stated before leaving towards his Assistants to revise his plan. One of the STG grunts then thought out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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The "Ex" Commander (Male "Shepherd" Reader x Fem Mass Effect Harem.)Where stories live. Discover now