Chapter 4:Finding out the truth

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So you truly don’t remember anything.. Do you want me to explain?” Rain
asks then Sun nods “Alright but you might want to sit down for this and if
you want to see any of the event’s that I mention we can watch it or we can
just watch everything from beginning to end if you don’t want to hear me
attempt to explain” Sun thinks for a moment “I think watching it would be
easier no offense” Rain smiles “None taken at all! But follow me to the
computers over there and I can get the videos” Sun nods and follows Rain to
the computer “Alright take a seat and i’ll pull up the memories” Sun sits
down as Rain connects the computer to the memories and hits play “You
watch this I have to check other things around the daycare and your room”
Sun nods as Rain walks away then Sun looks at the screen.
A couple of hours later Rain came to check up on Sun and saw him in
complete shock and crying if they could “You good Sunny?” Sun looks at
Rain shaking his head “I-I” Sun stuttered Rain walked wound the security
desk then gives Sun a hug to comfort him “Shhh..; It's okay…” Sun just sat
there shaking a little he wanted to cry but he just couldn't and they hated it
because it hurt then Sun starts making noises like he was crying just with no
tears or facial expressions Rain felt bad but she knew it was for the better
so Rain just comforted Sun for at least an 1 ½ hours. After the silence, Sun finally said "I-I'm okay now…" Rain lets go of Sun
holding Sunny's face with both of her hands and they look at Sun "I know
you said you're okay but… how are you?" Sun answered "I'm just a little
shocked but I think I'll be okay.." Sun said with a wobbly smile “Alright then if
you need anything I’ll be right here for you” Rain said while patting his head
“Thanks…” Sun smiles at the pat on the head and carefully stands up, careful
not to knock over Rain “Alright I’m good for real this time” Rain nods and
checks their watch “Okay well I guess I should show you everything else”

Sun as bright as the sun Moon as dark as a heart (NONE OF THE ART BELONGS TO ME)Where stories live. Discover now