Chapter 3:First meeting of the new friend

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*Sundrop AI systems powering on everything online* was the first thing he seen before they opened his eyes to see someone no not someone some people and animatronics that looked familiar standing around, talking, walking,working around them then Sun sees something in the middle of his vision *Moondrop AI systems powering off  everything offline temporarily until lights are out* “Huh? Who’s Moondrop? Why does that name seem familiar?” Sun said out loud not knowing it “Ah, you’re awake at last rest, well sleeping beauty?” someone said in front of them, putting his head down since they were quite tall. “Oh umm hi” Sun said looking confused not knowing where he was or what was happening  “What day is it and where am I also who are you?” they asked in curiosity “Oh you're in the Mega Pizza Plex and it’ssss June 16th 2021 at 1:27 PM and my name is Rain!” Rain said with a smile on her face “Oh nice to meet you Rain” Sun said kinda worried they must have been fidgeting or something because Rain asked if he was ok and if they wanted to sit down “Oh no i’m ok but thanks anyway!” Sun said reassuringly “Alright no problem, well I just have one more thing to check out and I can get you off the wires. Does that sound good to you?” Rain asked looking back at the computer “Yeah that’s fine with me or us I guess whoever ‘Moondrop’ is'' Rain looked at Sun then back at the computer playing sounds of different videos then she finally spoke after he found a particular video “You don’t remember? You and Moon?” They asked, then Sun looked at Rain in confusion “No, is that a bad thing?”
Sun looked a little concerned “No, it’s just weird because your memory chip is still intact unless… mmmm but maybe it could work but if not it would be stupid…? Rain starts mumbling to herself while Sun stands there awkwardly “Ummm are you okay?” Sun asks “Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about things now let's get you off those wires buddy” Rain stands up and carefully unplugs the wires out of Sun’s head “Okay annnd done! Now you can get off the charging port and I can lead you to the daycare!” Sun steps off and nods “Wait daycare..?” Sun looked confused “Oh dang you really don’t remember anything do you?... Well you work in a daycare taking care of kids from the ages 0-10 anyone older you’ll have to kick out or call staff!” Sun looks at him blankly “Umm just follow me and I’ll fill you in on everything you need to know about your job!”
Sun shakes out of it with a nod then Rain starts walking as Sun follows walking by other animatronics that look familiar and when he scans them their names also looked familiar he was trying to remember but he couldn’t no matter how hard he tried but they snapped out of it when Rain spoke “Alright here we are, the superstar daycare! This is where you’ll be staying.” Sun looked around a bit and saw a balcony “What's that?” Sun points to the balcony. Rain looks “Oh that’s yours and Moon’s room that's where you’ll be sleeping well.. recharging!” Sun looks in confusion “How are we supposed to get all the way up there? Sun said looking up “Oh well you have two options one is use the wire that’s why there is a little hoop thing on your back you can control it with the control system we put in your code thingy or the other way is going through the theater which takes longer because you’ll have to walk and crawl thru the tunnel things.”
Sun looks confused. “What do you mean wire??” Rain looks around at the roof for a second then points to a hook floating up there “See if you can access your settings and see if you can find the wire button!” “How do I do that??” Sun looked even more confused. “Umm try using the little thing on your arm you see those lines on your arm that looks like you can open it?” Sun looks at his arm seeing the lines that outline the hatch thing “Yeah..?” “Ok just tap on it once the screen should turn on by itself” Sun did just as Rain told him to and it opens showing a screen with different settings “So what do I do now??”  Sun asks looking away from the screen to Rain “Do you see the icon with the wire hook click on that and then there should be choices of paces in here then once you click it, it should show you the whole room and click the area where you are and it should come right to up picking you up but you have to attach yourself to it first” Sun does as Rain says and sees the wire moving towards them lowering down to Sun’s hook waiting for him at hook it to them self when he did it picks them up “HOW DO I GET DOWN?!” Sun asked in a panicked voice holding onto the wire itself “JUST PUSH THE ‘DOWN’ BUTTON!” Rain yelling to Sun because of how high up he is “I DON’T WANT TO LET GO!!” Sun gripping onto the wire even tighter “WELL YOU’RE STUCK UP THERE THEN!” Rain says “FINE!”
Sun says as they carefully let go of the wire shaking clicking the ‘DONE’ button and it slowly brings them quickly unhooks himself from the wire hook “Never again!” Rain chuckles “It’s a shame you can’t remember anything you and Moon always looked like you two had fun performing together on the wires” He tries to remember but once again nothing shows up then they broke out of his thoughts when they hear a ring then looked at Rain as he’s looking at her watch then they look at Sun “So we figured out why you can’t remember anything is because there is like a glitch thing or error they don’t know what it is though all they see is a head of a bunny shaded in purple but the weird thing is that we can see on our side but through your side nothing pops up with the purple bunny I explained earlier..” Sun looks at Rain tilting his head “So there is a glitch/error thing in my drive chip thing that’s stopping me from accessing my old memories?” Rain nods “Oh that’s why all those other animatronic names seem familiar!"

Sun as bright as the sun Moon as dark as a heart (NONE OF THE ART BELONGS TO ME)Where stories live. Discover now