Mark's eyebrows furrowed, making it known that he was confused. A bad boyfriend? Where did this come from? "What do you mean?"

Haechan held in his breath before letting it go. "I mean- Umji has been acting weird. Like today, she was dry and it seemed like something was bothering her. She was also quick to end the conversation, which made me confused. Did I do something to hurt her?"

Mark took all his words in, trying to grasp the situation at hand. Shaking his head, he put a hand onto Haechan's shoulder. "Dude, it's probably because of the news remember? Probably freaked her out. You got to give her some time, she'll come around when she's ready."

Haechan thought about it, that's true. She's probably shaken up. He'll give her how much time she wants and needs, hopefully she'll talk to him about whatever's bothering her.

Seeing him in deep thought, Mark gave him a pat on the back and a small comforting smile. "Don't beat yourself too much, you're a great boyfriend. Trust me dude."

Smiling as a thanks, Haechan gave the boy a nod. Mark nods back before standing up and leaving to get a drink of water.

haechanahceah posted!

haechanahceah posted!

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haechanahceah Ay-yo

do0_nct Our story never ends 🎵

username1 we saw you with a girl, who is she?
username2 i wanna know toooo
username3 its none of y'all's business, mind urs lol
username4 who cares!!! hes human!!! let him hangout with whoever!!!

username5 take your job seriously, not hanging out with girls.
username6 ?? he is? just because hes dating/seeing (or just hanging out) w a girl doesnt mean he isnt taking his job srsly.

username8 we're always by your side haechan. no matter what. #haechandefender
username9 #haechandefender
username10 #haechandefender

username11 hope his gf can fight😂😂😂😂😂😂being forreal😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

username12 pretty..

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Scrolling through the comments on Haechan's post, Umji sighed. She felt like she was ruining his career, and making him have less fans.

She felt guilty. And she hated feeling guilty.

So many thoughts have been in her head recently, and what happen this morning didn't help. She's been stressed. Very stressed.

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