Goodbye pt.2}Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

Sean lays there lips parted and the night light shines on his pale face. Little gold embers his skins. Making him breathtaking.
Quietly closing the door and walking downstairs to make sure everything is locked. I hear rumbling from the kitchen. I see that it is jon. I grab a water from the fridge, while he is looking at food.

He looks over at me. Breathless. He smiles.
I sit down on the stool and watch him.

"Hi" he says resting himself on the table, while his food warms up. "Hi" I say quietly.

" How's Sean sleeping" he asks. "Really good. No more cries." I say laughing. He does too.

"Listen. I am...I am so" I cut him off. "No. Please dont say your sorry. " I say letting a tear slip. He comes over and wipes it away. "Steph..." he trails off. I get up and move across the the living room.

"No. You can't do this to me. To Sean. Please. You can't make a story up. I cry when you are away, when I'm away. It's too overwhelming. All I want to do is be with you. Lay by you. Fall asleep next to you. Take care of you. But when I'm here I am ashamed. I'm guilty. I'm upset about what we did. What I did."

"You burned me. Cut me. Bruised me.  I had only one person to turn to. Charles" all color washes from his face. "I wanted nothing more than it to be you. I knew it couldn't be you." I say crying.

"Why are you guilty. You never felt that with Brandon. " He says walking up to me and putting his hands on either side of my face softly.

"Marrying you. Having a child. Letting you take me. And what I have. What I was" I say finally looking at him in the eyes. I take his hands from both sides of my face. "He never did anything to me. Truthfully he gave me the world, never hurt me once by anything. Always made me smile day in and day out. You want to make a million memories with someone. That can only happen "when the stars are aligned" and they aren't. They haven't been for ages" I say.

"Steph. Please" he let's out a soft cry.

"Please will not work anymore. You want love. And you want to be loved. You can't get that if you are not able to give it" I say. I take off the gold star  necklace, I have been wearing for ages. I take ahold of his hand and softly put it in his hand.

"This is not worth it anymore" I say. I take my ring off and let one tear fall and wipe and close his hand. I turn around and walk to the door.  "A lot can happen in six months, but I never expected this" I whisper softly and open the door. I leave jon looking sad, upset and confused and guilty.

Running to my car and hopping into it. I back and out, but someone stops me.


I hop out and yell "What is wrong with you jon! I could of killed you!" I scream. A huge crackle of Thunder emerges.

"At least it would have been by you" he says walking towards me.  "Are you crazy?!"I scream. He walks up to me and kisses me 

His hands come up to my cheeks. My hands rest on his chest. His hands rest on my hips now. Slowly moving around.

I pull away. "We can't. .I cant" I say breathless. He pulls me in for another kiss. A longer one, I shall add. 

"You can. I can. we can" he says kissing me once more. I shake my head, once we pull away.

"Jon. You're crazy. I'm crazy. We're crazy" I say looking at him. "I didnt choose you. But you did. Time and time again I do not, while you still do for whatever God damn reason" I say.

"if you leave me here, my world will be gone. Swallowed up by a black hole. No more stars. Like we planned" he says. "You have sean, and the team. The whole city of chicago" I say slowly rubbing his pained cheeks.

"I will be back soon to visit sean but not you. I can't endure so much pain from all the words, the slashes, the beatings. This isn't normal." I say.

"If I let you go. What will I do?" He asks. "You will do what you do best. Find someone else. You will have Sean and ryder." I say.

"I can't let you go" he says boldly.

"Yes you can. You have done it before. You can do it" I say. He shakes his head. He closes his eyes.

"You're free. Now go live freely. Go be a beautiful father, like I know you are. I hope you find it. " I kiss his cheek once more and hop in my car.

Pulling out of the driveway and see jonathan on his knees. It's pains me too see hi like this. But he deserves someone who he will not hurt. "Maybe one day we can break the distance"

I hop out at my father's church and sit down at a pew. I take out my notepad and pen from my purse.

Dear jon, thank you for all the laughs and memories. You brought me stars and the sun. You also borough me the galaxies,  but what comes woth galaxies are black holes. You are free my butterfly. Now go be free. And make a million memories with her. Maybe one day we can break the distance so you can be my air, sea, and sun.

// so I updated!!! Been writing all day before my 8th grade graduation. I know this chapter is depressing, but come on you know I can't write without them together for a long time. Go read this and comment please

Through the storm | Sequel to "Take me to church" Jonathan Toews and Danielle CampbellWhere stories live. Discover now