Forever and ever}chapter 15

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Jons pov:

"What?" My voice cracks.
She looks down sobbing.

"You had to be drunk" I said. She shook her head no.

"I was pretty sober, he was too" she said letting more tears slip.

"How? I did everything I could" I said in disbelief.

"I know you did. You really did. But at the end of the day. It wasn't what I wanted" she said breaking my heart even more.

"Did you ever love me?" I ask looking at her as tears slipped out.

"Yes. A million times yes. Now I only find a few things that I love about you. I'm confused on how we fell In love" she said.

"Steph..please tell me you love me and didn't cheat" I said grabbing her hands. She unlatched her hands from mine.

"I wish I could. I really do. I'm angry at how I don't love you anymore. But I just don't. There's not enough words to express how much I loved you" she said placing a hand on my wet cheek. I leaned into it closing my eyes.

"So what do we do from here?"I ask.

"Chaunette will come over with the papers" she said. I nodded.

I stood up and walked upstairs. I shut the door and fell to my knees.

My true love cheated on me and I don't even know who is he is or where he is.


As I stood on the ice. My first game back, I felt chills. Blocking what happened earlier and focusing on making the fans happy.

We were playing the Dallas Stars for the second time this year.


The puck dropped. I skated after it and swiped it over to Kane who was right by the net.


I skated over and tapped everyone's head.

We all skated and fist bumped the ones of the bench.

We skated over to our side and got in positions. As the puck came to me I felt a huge hit from my left. I looked over to see Jamie Benn.

I skated after the puck again. As I went to retrieve it as well. I hit shoved him into the boards by accident. He got up and shook it off. I went to sit on the bench for line changes.

"Great job toews" coach q yelled and slapped my helmet.

As I got back on the ice, another impact on my right side got me to the ground. The whistle blew. From another play down the ice.

"What the hell!?" I screamed at Jamie.

He skated away.

I skated after him and shoved him from the back. He came back and punched me right in the nose.

We squared off and I threw one to his head.

Concussion for sure.

"DUDE WHAT IS YOUR PROBELM!" I screamed as we threw punches.

He got me to the ground and punched me.

"THATS FOR HITTING YOUR WIFE!" He screamed and skated off. The refs were separating us and I got to my legs and skated after him. I trampled him. I punched him again and the refs got us away from each other.

I spit blood on there side. Jamie looked back and me and a few tears came out. I put my hand to my face and wiped them. They all looked at me.

I skated off and went to the locker room.

Through the storm | Sequel to "Take me to church" Jonathan Toews and Danielle CampbellWhere stories live. Discover now