Stitches} Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Stephanie's pov
Based off the song "stitches" by Shawn Mendes

Sean and I get off the plane in l.a. We were meeting Charles at the gate.

"Seany" Charles screams making Sean giggle. Surprisingly he has energy left. "Hey baby girl" he says hugging me. Charles takes Charles and the 2 bags we have.

We get into his range rover and we were off. Sean fell asleep in the back. "How's everything" Charles asks. "Sean is really good. He doesn't keep me up anymore. We're actually able to go to parks, have picnics. We actually just went to a birthday party for my cousin. He loves having the attention on him. Even though it wasn't meant for him. Carol had no problem" I say laughing. "Did you hear about lindsey and Carly" I ask. He shakes his head. "Lindsey was sent to a physciatic place in England.

Carly was charged with Harrassment and blackmail. Well both of them were. But finally Sean and I can have a easy sleep" I say looking back at Sean. Smiling and looking back at Charles. He's smiling. "What" I ask. "Looks like you really love him" he says. "Oh I really do. Sean really knows" I say. "I wish I could make you happy" he mumbles. "You know you do" I say putting my hand on his. He smiles. "For real though. That could of been us" he says looking at me with glossy eyes. "Charles you know that couldn't have been. I was already in a relationship. You know your my best friend" I say.

"Then where's jonathan" "huh" he says angrily. "You havent talked about him or said his name throughout this conversation. THATS WHY I Wish It WAS ME. It's sees like he puts you through pain just like he did before" he says. "Stop" "Charles. There will never be an us. Now with Sean there can't be" "before maybe. Now. No" I say.

We finally make it to the studios and I get Sean. "Come on baby. You get to see aunt Phoebe and uncle david" Yes David and Phoebe are together. He lives here with her, when he is not playing hockey in the ohl. He smiles and gets bursts of energy.

"Sean" I here David say when we walk in to the lounge. Everyone comes over and take sean, while I go get ready.

I walk over to Sean after I finish with my makeup and hair. "How was he" I ask them. "He was really good" they all say. My phone starts to ring.
The caller ID says "jon" I hand the phone David and put Sean in his lap. "I'll be back soon" I say waking towards the area we take photo's. "Sorry I'm late" I tell miley our photographer. "Don't worry"
"Good" "a little to the left woth the cat" "Some ugly cat" I say laughing
We finish and I make our way back to everyone. I take sean and kiss him on the head. "I hope you were good" I say smiling and tickling his side. He laughs. "Did you know where jons game was tomorrow. I shake my head no. "He never told me. And I was to busy to look it up" I say. "Well you might want to go look in your dressing room."
Nodding and brining Sean with.


He was here. "There's my favorite people" he says coming towards me smiling. He kisses Sean on the head, and my on the head. I put on a fake smile. "Why didn't you tell me" I say angrily. "It slipped my mind. Why does it really matter" he says taking Sean. "Because it does. What if something happend to you? I wouldn't know where you were" I say my voice raising a little. Thank goodness there's music on in the lounge.

"Then that would be my fault. Why do you think something would happen" he asks. "It's damn well your fault, I don't know it's called life. Something can happen. You can't predict the future" I say a little higher. "Your so controlling. You realize that. You can't when let me see my son when I come home after a long day" he yells.

"Because he is asleep. He needs sleep just as much as you. But then again you wouldn't know that because you don't ask" I yell back. "That's why your a bad mother" he mumbles. "ME?! A BAD MOTHER! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I scream. Sean starts to cry. Jonthan starts to cooe him but it's not working. "Doesn't our son know when not to cry. Oh wait he doesn't because you never stop him " he yells. "It's normal for a child to cry" I say trying to grab sean. Jonathan yanks him away. "Stop. Your hurting him" I say while Sean cries. I finally get Sean and waking out with my purse.

Just like a moth drawn to a flame
Oh, you lured me in, I couldn't sense the pain
Your bitter heart cold to the touch
Now I'm gonna reap what I sow
I'm left seeing red on my own

I set Sean down in the car seat, and driving off in Charles car. I see everyone walk out and jonathan fuming.

He seemed like he couldn't hurt a fly. He seemed like he was an angel.

I think when it's all over,
It just comes back in flashes, you know?
It's like a kaleidoscope of memories.
It just all comes back. But he never does.
I think part of me knew the second I saw him that this would happen.
It's not really anything he said or anything he did,
It was the feeling that came along with it.
And the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever gonna feel that way again.
But I don't know if I should.
I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright.
But I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?
Maybe he knew that when he saw me.
I guess I just lost my balance.
I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him.
It was losing me.

It was losing myself to him. Just that one touch, it made me feel safe with him. Now I realize it was not a safe feeling. It was a scared feeling. Maybe I needed that.

I drive up to the mountains. I get out and throw rocks out into the opening. What the hell just happen?

Why did we fight? I think all the anger and emotions finally came out and it felt good to speak my mind. For once. Grabbing Sean and cooing him. "I'm so sorry" "I'm sorry you saw that" I  say crying. My phone is blowing up like crazy. A text from Charles comes in.

"Meet me at my house" I sigh knowing we need to speak. I put Sean back in his car seat and drive over to Charles house. Grabbing the 2 bags and Sean and walking into his flat. "Here let me" he says taking Sean and sitting down. Walking into the guest bedroom and setting dpwn my bags. I haven been here since Charles and I were together.

Time flies. "I knew you would remeber" he says starting me. "I remeber. Gosh time flies" I say smiling. He does to and looking down blushing. "Wheres sean" I ask. "He's playing with toys" I nod and sit on the bed. "What happend back there" he asks. 

"Jon told me I was a bad mother because I don't let him see Sean after a game because Sean needs sleep too and how I'm so controlling and it's not his fault he did not tell me where the game was" I let a tear fall and look down at my hands. Charles wipes the tear away. "After you left, David went in there and yelled at jon. We were all puzzled but he told us that he knew what jon was doing. He always does" he says. I cry out in pain. Charles pulls me in. "Shhh" "your safe with me"  He says.

"I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
His words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life"  I say 

"And I'm going to do just that"
"What do you mean" I ask
"That means your not going back to chicago" he says. "I have too, I can't run from my problems. I need to face them head on" I say. He sighs. "I just don't want you to get hurt" he says. "I know. I wont. He will be the one hurt"

Charles leaves to make dinner and I grab my journal.

Flipping to the next blank space and write:

You hurt me today. You called me terrible things and realized I'm none of that. I wish you could realize that. I wish everything was like before. Not like this. You burned me. Cut me. Bruised me. And now im going to need stiches.


Chapter two is done :) I hope you like it

Through the storm | Sequel to "Take me to church" Jonathan Toews and Danielle Campbellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن