The final shark

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Zoey breaks through the surface with a gasp as they others soon break through the surface before preacher grunts as something bits his leg"preacher!"Zoey says worried when he was pulled under.

"Zoey you and Susan get up there I'll help preacher now go"he says as she nods before turning to Susan"come on!"she says before both were swimming to the highest ground of the facility as Carter goes to help preacher who screams breaking through the surface as something moves him fast.

Zoey reaches the highest ground first as she pulled her self up before turning and helping Susan up as they were finally out of the water. Preacher was shown grabbing his cross as he stands it into the sharks eye repeatedly as he was let go with his leg bleeding heavily.

Carter needed to think of something fast as he was half way out of water looking back at preacher who was free as he breaks through the surface with a gasp. Carter swims towards him as he helps preacher to the highest ground were the girls we're Susan and Zoey help him up as Carter helps soon they were all out of the water breathing heavily.

The shark was nowhere as the facility was shown destroyed as it continues to sink slowly underwater as some parts were on fire with smoke. They were shown on the very top of the radio tower where Brenda always was the top completely burnt as they lean against parts of the building breathing heavily.

Zoey was shown sitting by preacher as she looked over the wounds on his head while Susan takes care of the bleeding would on his leg. Zoey gets up as she walks over to Carter "what are we gonna do know Carter"she asked as she leans her head on his shoulder.

Susan soon joins them"he'll be okay if we can get out of here"she informed them. Before rumbling was heard as the facility was sinking slowly as metal can be heard creaking Zoey looks at the gate before she and Carter shared a look before he turns back to the gate"son of bitch."he says as Susan looks at the married couple in confusion"what?"she asked as she looks towards the gate as well.

"Those fences are titanium underneath,but on top they're just plain steel."Carter explains

"The damn sharks planned this a soon as the storm hit"Zoey says as she leans against the wall. Carter nods his head"she right they've been herding us, pushing us where they want.useing us to flood the facility."Carter says as the gate is shown being pushed slightly.

Susan finally catches on"oh my God"she says looking back at the gate. 

"That's the answer to the riddle. Because that's what an 8,000 lb mako thinks about. About freedom"Carter says as they all stare at the gate as it moves slightly as the sun rises as the facility sinks more "about the deep blue sea."Carter adds.

Susan thinks before making a decision "we have to kill her"she says as the married couple share a look before smiling at her for once"now that's the first real smart thing you said all day"Carter says as they all smile at one another.

Metal is heard clanking as the shark rams into it as the three of them turn back towards the gate."here we go"cart says as they three of them climb over the rail onto one the standing walk as they walk forward it was time to end this. The shark was shown charging at the gate once more as Susan grabs the harpoon gun as she rushes back over to Carter and Zoey who were sitting up a electric charge as they climb up the steps to the top of the piece of building they are on.

Carter was shown setting up one of the shoot as Susan and tanking out gun powder to replace the shots as Carter was filling up one of the containments with gun powder "we ought to get about two and a half sticks of dynamite out of these flares"Carter explains to them as he continues to poor gun powder into the containment in his hand before capin it with the harpoon hook as he stands up locking it in place in the gun.

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