Jisung let out a non-subtle, relieved "ah" in response. "I didn't know there were classes."

The older hummed in confirmation, still frustrated that the other didn't even receive the bare minimum when it came to the things he'd actually need to know in life- even from the doctor who'd regularly seen him. He'd have to change that.

He wanted Jisung to be as comfortable as he possibly could be, and have all the knowledge he needed to embrace himself for the perfect being he was.

*̩̩̥˚̩͙⚛ ͙*̩̩̥˚̩͙

"I can't believe our cycles ended at the same time. Did we sync up or something?" Jisung asked over the bowls of soup he'd prepared for them.

"Remember when I said the scent of your heat throws me into a rut?" Minho responded casually. After the four-and-a-half days they'd just spent together, there was no reason to shy away from the subject. "I genuinely think our bodies just respond to each other because of how we f- how we- how comfortable we are with each other?" He ended the statement as if it were a question, painfully obvious in avoiding saying anything further regarding their feelings.

During their cycle, they had shared possessive terms, sure, but they hadn't actually talked about the extent of their feelings.

"Okay." Jisung said, taking a deep breath and looking slightly annoyed. "So you can call me your omega, and leave your stupid little hickeys all over me, but you can't say you have feelings for me. That's where the line is drawn. Understood." His tongue poked the inside of his cheek in a display of pure frustration before he took another spoonful of his soup to his mouth.

"That's not- that's not a line that I'm trying to draw." Minho said, trying to back up a bit in the conversation to explain himself. "I just don't want to assume how you feel. I haven't heard anything from you, so I don't... it doesn't feel right to put words in your mouth."

Jisung's features softened as he stared softly at the male across from him. He looked down for a moment, realizing he'd never actually been verbally clear about his sentiment towards, and adoration for, the older.

Jisung pushed his bowl towards the raven-haired man and met the confused glance he received with a chuckle. He walked around the table and pulled Minho's chair out just slightly, only to sit on his lap sideways, throwing his arms over Minho's neck. "Mmmm is this clear enough?"

Minho pushed his lips together slightly in the adorable smile that Jisung liked so much as he shook his head. "Sorry, I'm not a mind-reader. You could just be really friendly and affectionate."

The younger threw his head back and groaned in feigned irritation. "Have you fucking met me? That doesn't sound anything like me. It's just you that I'm like this with."

He inhaled deeply and leaned forward to brush his lips against Minho's in a brief, tender kiss. "What about now? Clear enough?" He asked, feeling his stomach swarm with excited nerves.

"I don't think so. I'm still not quite hearing the words-"

"You haven't said anything clearly either, though-"

"I like you." Minho said, confidently. "I have feelings for you. I've been thinking about you constantly since the moment I first saw you. You're beautiful. You're strong. You're intelligent. There's a lot to like about you and I like all of it." His grin softened as he brought up his nose to lightly touch against Jisung's for a moment.

"Whatever- you had that planned. Now I can't just say 'I like you too,' because it'll sound like I like you less even when we both know that's not true, so now I'm gonna have to put in extra effort and-"

What do you need right now? (Minsung 18+)Where stories live. Discover now