"Just Friends" - Chapter 7

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"Just Friends"

Chapter 7

I head home and grab a shower. The hot water hitting my body feels so good after I finish I grab a towel and wrap it around me. I head into the kitchen and make myself a coffee and some food. I sit down in my favorite spot by the window in the living room. I love looking out at the view from my apartment. I get snapped out of my thoughts when I hear knocking at the door I get up and look through the peephole and see Jessy. I open up the door and the red head comes rushing in. "What's wrong Jessy? Everything okay?" Jessy walks back over to me and puts her hand on my shoulders. "Please tell me it's not true MC, please tell me you didn't sleep with Phil" I look at her slightly confused how did she even know what I did with Phil. "How did you know? Who told you?"

Jessy lifts her head up and looks me straight in the eye "Phil told me this morning I had to go see him about something and he told me you spent the night" I looked back at Jessy and hung my head down. "I know, I shouldn't have done it but I just needed some fun and Phil was there." Jessy walks back over to me and sits down next to me putting her hand on mine. "I get it MC I do, just don't let him hurt you okay? I know what Phil can be like" I look at Jessy and her words warm my heart. "It's okay Jessy, me and Phil talked, it's just a bit of fun. I don't care of he flirts with other women it's fine honest"

Jessy looks at me concerned I know what she's thinking and what she's going to say to me. "MC please just be careful I love my brother but I also know what he's like" I take in what Jessy has said and I make sure to reassure her that I will be okay. After Jessy leaves I grab a couple things and put them into my overnight bag. I head back to the aurora and see Phil behind the bar putting up new bottles of spirits. "Hey good lookin 'miss me?" I walk over to the bar and Phil's face lights up. "You have no idea, beautiful, I just have to finish up here then I'll be right with you. Can I get you a drink?" I smile and think about what I want. "I'll have a whiskey on the rocks" Phil gets my drink and he continues doing what he needs to.

Phil and I spent most of the night together. He had to tend to the bar every now and then when it got really busy. As Phil and I were talking Jake came into the bar with Emma holding hands with each other. Everything inside me made my blood boil out of anger. I grabbed Phil and started to make out with him. I felt Phil pull me closer and his hands slide up my top. As I started to kiss Phil's neck I opened my eyes and looked right at Jake I could see his fists starting to clench.

Jake's POV

I'm out with Emma again tonight. We have been seeing each other every night this week and we have been getting on better each time we see each other. We have been together now 6 months today so we decided to go out and celebrate. Emma insisted on coming to my best to change her mind but she just kept telling me it will be fun and to stop being so boring. If only she knew how I really felt about this bar but I couldn't tell her I just kept it to myself. As we walk into the bar I see MC sitting in the corner with Phil. I know she has seen me because she grabs Phil and kisses him.

It makes my blood boil at the thought of his hands all over her like that, now he's got his hand up her top. I know why MC is doing this. I just wish I could make her see just how much I love her. Emma snapped me out of my thoughts and handed me a drink. We walked over to a table not far from MC and Phil and sat down. "Can't we sit somewhere else? Somewhere a bit lighter?" I try and reason with Emma but my words fall on deaf ears. "This is the perfect place to sit Jake I know you will like it, now let's celebrate our anniversary shall we" Emma looks at me with so much love in her eyes. Love that I can not return but I do my best to show her that I love her.

Part of me resounded to the fact that I won't get MC back, I think too much has happened for us to get back what we had. I decide to do something that will change everything for myself as well as MC. I get down on one knee and ask Emma to marry me. "Emma, will you marry me?" Her face lights up and she screams with happiness. I regret asking her but I can't take it back now. "Yes Jake, yes I'll marry you" she flings her arms around my neck and kisses me. My eyes widened and she kissed me. I could see MC with shock all over her face.

I look up and see Emma through her arms around Jake, I feel like I can't breathe but I try my best to hide it. So without thinking I whisper in Phil's ear and we both get up and walk over to the bar. Phil goes round and grabs a bottle of champagne and he takes my hand and goes up stairs. I can feel Jake's eyes burning into the back of my head but I don't stop this time I just keep on moving and don't look back. Phil pours the champagne for us and we toast to each other. Things quickly start to heat up and we end up in bed together "I think we are gonna need another bottle of champagne" I get up out of bed and put on Phil's t-shirt and head downstairs to the bar to grab another bottle.

I manage to get to the champagne bottle without anyone noticing then I look up and see Jake standing at the bar. His eyes widen and his mouth drops open. I don't say anything to him. I carry on going back upstairs. I hear him shouting at me so I go back and ask him what he wants. "Jake what's up? What do you want?" I put the bottle of champagne down and wait for him to answer me. "MC, what are you doing? Why are you with that good for nothing womanizer?" Anger spreads across my face at Jake's words. "Jake, we are no longer together. I am free to do what I like and to who I like. Why don't you go back to Mrs perfect over there and live happily ever after"

I picked the bottle back up and walked away from Jake heading back up the stairs to Phil who was waiting for me in bed. "I see someone's eager for my return" I giggle to myself as I put the bottle down and start to straddle Phil. I could feel his erection already poking at me with all the frustration over what happened. I ride Phil like no tomorrow.

The next couple of months are like a nightmare for me everywhere I seem to go. I keep seeing Jake and Emma together. I decided to give things a go with Phil. We have been seeing each other a lot so Phil asked me to be his girlfriend. There is one thing I can't seem to get enough off right now and that's Phil between the sheets. I know everyone keeps warning me about him but right now I just need to have something. I doubt we will last long but I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Jessy told me Jake and Emma have set a date for the wedding. They are having an autumn wedding. I knew that Lily would tell Jessy and she would tell me. "MC are you sure you're happy about all this? I know when you're faking it" I never could hide anything from Jessy. "What am I supposed to do Jessy? He's moved on he's with Emma now" Jessy looks at me with concern in her eyes. "MC you still love Jake I know you do and he still loves you."

A few more weeks pass by and I bump into Jake he was on his own heading back from getting his suit measured. "Hi MC how are you?" My heart feels like it's racing. He looks so handsome. "Hi Jake, I'm doing okay, how's the wedding planning going?" Jake looks at me with so much love in his eyes. "It's going okay just got my suit sorted, MC do you think we could talk?" I can't say no to him, I just want to take his hand and lead him back to my apartment. "Sure you can come back to mine" we both walked back to my apartment mostly in silence but I didn't mind.

When we arrive back I open the door and tell Jake to take a seat and I'll be with him in a minute. "So what's on your mind Jake?" Jake looks into my eyes. He looks like he has the whole world on his shoulders. "MC I still love you" my mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. "Jake what are you saying? You're getting married in a couple of weeks" Jake gets up and walks towards me and kisses me with so much passion. I kiss him back, not a word is spoken between us and we end up in the bedroom. I've never seen Jake like this before. I must admit I do love seeing this side of him.

Jake and I kept on seeing each other again. I kept telling myself that it would be the last time but I just couldn't help myself. It was now the day of the wedding I had been feeling off all week. I decided to go and pick up a test and it came back positive I was pregnant with Jake's baby. I knew it was his because I had finally decided to end it with Phil. We parted as friends and told me he was always there for me.

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