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Arriving in Texas, Buffy wondered what type of spirit they are dealing with. Sam took her hand in his causing her to smile. "So, we are investigating a myth that this town house. Why do I get a bad feeling that there is more to this?"

"What do you mean?"

Buffy didn't know what to say as she knew Dean and Brad were having issues believing her and Sam. Yet, this case is at an old house and that there was a dead girl, but cops say no one was there. "Am I the only one who finds this mystery happening at night."

"We will figure this out, but first, we need to see the first group of kids who went to this house and who told them about it."

Buffy nodded at Dean as he made a point first they need to speak to the group of kids first. Dean started in on Sam and Buffy causing them to know this will be a prank war.
Going to the diner, the Winchesters and Brad were talking to each teen who went to the house where they have found the body that the police said there was none. Buffy listened as she was confused. She wondered what type of story they heard because if someone created this story, something will happen, but her thing is, what time did the police show up and why were they the only one's to see the dead body. "Can I ask, what time you four were there?"

"We don't remember." One of the girls say. "I can tell you it was a night."

"Okay. Who did you hear this story from?"

"Craig Thurston."

"Let's see if he tells the truth. Who knows, he might be behind this."

Sam pulled his wife up. "Let's go talk to him."

She nodded as they walked together. Dean and Brad shared a look as they were wondering what was bugging Buffy and Sam. Since the wedding, the two have been having sex non stop... "They're trying for a baby." Brad says. "That's why they have been staying..."

"Damn. First comes marriage and then comes baby with a baby carriage."

"You left first comes love out."

Dean looked at him. "That happened years ago. Now they're married."

"What's your next prank?"

Dean didn't know, but he will figure something out. He will prank the two and he knew one way that may help them out.
Arriving at the music store, Buffy smiled as she looked at Sam. "Since we are trying for a baby, I'm going to look at some music while you boys talk to Craig. Make sure you get where the story came from. Something about this doesn't sound right."

Sam brought her back to him. She looked at him till he kissed her. She smiled into the kiss as Brad and Dean looked at them. They watched the two walk out of the store causing Brad and Dean to nod knowing they are alone in this. "Welp, I guess we should talk to Craig."

Arriving at what Craig called the Hell House, Buffy had a strange feeling. "I don't know about this, boys." She tells them. "Something about this legend doesn't make sense is Mordecai. If he killed his daughters then himself, then why are we here when we need to do some looking up."

Sam looked at her. "Have you thought of anything?"

"I have to look into it because you two know me. When I hear legends, I like to dig deeper."

"Well, Buffy, you can do that when we get done looking around."

Buffy glared at Dean as he went on in. Sam looked at his wife and kissed her head. "We will work together. I know how you are. Plus, we got a separate room, when can..."

The blonde laughed at what he whispered in her ear what he wants to do. She looked at him before walking away before he smack her ass. Buffy looked at Sam as he held an innocent smile. "One of these days, Sam Winchester. One of these days."

"You love me."

"Get your asses in here before I drag you in here."

"Dean, I don't think he will show up. Plus, I want pictures of those symbols." She says walking in to see both boys no where in sight. "Sam..."

"Don't worry. Look."

She walked to the symbols as Sam took pictures on his phone. "Paint." She says feeling it. "Fresh too."

"What do you think?"

"He is a story. Someone came here and painted these symbols want to scare people and don't know what these symbols have done." She says as Dean and Brad showed up. "Anything?"

"Bunch of fakers."

Buffy had a bad feeling about this. Sam looked at his wife as he knew something was bothering her. "Buffy?"

"I don't like this at all."
"What was the prank you did?"

"Well, Sam and Buffy is trying for a baby, I decided to help."

"What did you do?"

"Poked wholes in the condoms and Buffy isn't on birth control."

Brad looked at him. "They haven't wore any in a long time."

"Then why aren't they expecting."

"Not the right time?"
Sam looked at Buffy as she looked through everything that night and knew she could think. He started kissing her neck causing her to close her eyes. "I think we have a problem. I think he is a tupla." She tells him.

"Go on."

"People made him real." She says with a moan. "He is real because of the story. Those symbols aren't what made him real, it's the stories and their beliefs." She moved away from Sam. "If he is believed to kill women, then I'm staying out of it. Dean, you and Brad will have to do this with me trying to figure out how to change the story."

"I won't let anything happen to you, Buffy. I never have and I'm not starting now." He says kissing her. "I will tell the boys, but right now, I need you."

Buffy looked at him and kissed him. She needed him as well and knowing she figured out what to do, she pulled back. "Sam, make sure they burn that house. If those two don't do what you told them, then burn it. It's the only way."

"I will...after I have you. Now stop worrying about that and focus on us and a baby."

Smiling, Buffy kissed him. Thats all she wants is to focus on her husband and trying for a baby. Something that the two have been hoping from the moment they met Meg.

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