Ch 3: Life

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A/N: above is Izuku in his new costume on the left but in color green on the right and has the cape white sliver on the right, gloves match the cape, the blue stripes are black and the gold is now sliver and the red belt is now all black with the same pouches on right and no longer wears red shoes their custom made green and black to match the costume. His face mask is the same but the head cover with ears is the same green on the right. Izumi decided to change it around for a more adult look this past year and also got an undercut on the side and bank leaving only his top wavy curly hair the same, (below)

 Izumi decided to change it around for a more adult look this past year and also got an undercut on the side and bank leaving only his top wavy curly hair the same, (below)

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He decided on a more adult fresh look after he divorced and a fresh start and it has been doing well especially fan-wise. All previous mercy is now extra valuable due to the old costume look.

Izuku p.o.v

Once they finished eating they left and did some grocery shopping for a week's worth of food before going home it was Zoe's nap time at 2 pm. While Zoe napped izuku unpacked more finishing the kitchen and half the library and made sure the entertainment was all hooked up so Zoe could watch her show that came on at 3:30 pm. Zoe sleeping from 2 pm-3:15 pm. She woke and had a snack then sat down on the couch to watch her show from 3:30 pm-4 pm. Zoe then played on the game station for one hour while he made dinner they are at 5 pm and was dine usually by 6 pm which was when Zoe showered before getting in the tub to play and some for a bit while he did dinner dishes then made bento lunch for tomorrow, he checks in now every ten minutes when she got in the tub to be sure she was safe. cleaned up the dishes mess from lunch making since he cleaned as he cooked otherwise. Once he finished he got Zoe out of the tub and helped her dress for bed then cared for her teeth. While he cleaned up the bathroom Zoe picked out her bedtime story and got into bed. He read her bedtime story at 7:30 pm he sang her lullaby until she fell asleep. Once Zoe was asleep he prepared for bed by showering and teeth care then cleaning up all water on the floor in the bathroom from the shower by this point it was 8:30 pm-9 pm then he went to bed himself since he was up at 5 am for his morning work out. He woke Zoe and got her ready for the day, breakfast fed and teeth cleaned after that and in her stroller by 7:30 am so he could go for a 3-mile run that Zoe either was in her stroller or bicycle depending on her mood. If she bicycles they usually took a ten mint break every thirty minutes if in her stroller she watched videos on her tablet or they played eye spy. They if in stroller were home by 8:30 if bicycles home by 9 am Since his work started at 9:30 am he had to rush to shower and prepare for the day.

If running he put his hero costume on before leaving if not they left by 9sm and he got dressed in costume at work this morning he was out by 9 pm so he grabbed his bag with his custom he always had two on had one he wore and a back up if his first got torn up on a hard day work or a difficult villain damaged it. His new costly although had done extra features to make it more difficult to strut in the mitral being a stretchy Kevlar as well as mixing it in a custom fabric to make it fire resistant both to combat his work with villains that before took a tole on his previous custom he to have two to three backup especially if he was paired with bakugo on work or in sparing this the need for the fireproof since he takes every opportunity to embarrass him and burn his costume off to bully him and cause a scandal with his reputation on being indecent so he started with getting his costume fireproof which angered bakugo in physical abuse at home when he couldn't humiliate him at work.

He sucked it up for a year unable to leave not having enough proof bakugo used to be very careful to leave none but when he slipped up being especially mad he got proof but his breaking point was when he tried to harm Zoe for having a weak quirk that bakugo felt embarrassed of being living she be no hero at all with only able to move small object under one pound. He refused to believe with proper training Zoe could move to heavier objects and be a good hero if she even wanted to be a hero when old enough to attend UA being she kept changing her mind due to bakugo always belittling and putting her down over her quirk. Calling her useless and such which angered him and caused them to fight often in which he was now fighting back and standing up for himself which enraged bakugo. He didn't always win especially when bakugo took to using his quirk in him firing him to use his to prevent serious injury which when occurred often left to police being called for domestic violence.

This morning routine was no different in the exercise, run and prepared for work and getting to work the only difference is instead of dropping Zoe off at a daycare away from work he dropped her off at the primary school he was having her start at today enrolling her he than pick her up at three pm and take her to work to put her in the daycare at work until he got off work at 5 pm. He after all paperwork enrolling handed the teacher the list of allergies, his contact info to reach him and her lunch before hugging Zoe goodbye and leaving her at her primary school. Zoe although five due being born in winter most kindergarten would let her start until age six he needed to look into schools here during his lunch break to see if she could start. Most school technically started two weeks ago but some dus start later but if it did start two weeks ago since Zoe was a head in several subjects he doubted it be a issue for her to catch up.

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