Ch 2: Outting

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A/N: The above pic is Zoe Bakugo, 6 years old

Izuku  P.O.V

His belongings arrived right in time, and to his surprise, Todoroki showed up and added the two movers, Todoroki and him to get everything in the freight elevator and into his room it took thirty minutes to get it all in the house and in the proper place to unpack between all four of them. The movers soon left, leaving Todoroki with him. Todoroki held intentions to help him unpack but got tied up with Zoe, who saw him like her uncle and Todoroki just adored Zoe. He could never say no to her, which led her to be spoiled by him. However, they only got to see Jim twice a year before he took over his dad's company, and then he moved across the country. Todoroki never missed a chance to spoil Zoe with gifts, especially on her birthday and every holiday he possibly could. He also sends snacks monthly and hero merch as well. As such Zoe kept Todoroki busy by latching on to his leg and refused to let go thus Todoroki didn’t make many trips since Zoe thre fit everything he detached her, so, Todoroki made a deal with her that if she let him work for a bit once everything was in the moving pod was in the house they go pick out her a new toy for her moving here thus the bribed worked and Zoe was on her best behavior and was director of where everything went until they were finished and the second the last box was placed Zoe was running to the entrance to put her shoes on ready to leave. He chuckled at her Ready to go enthusiasm, making Todoroki hold up to his word at the very second it was done. Then he grabbed the sunscreen spray and sprayed Zoe down since due to her fair skin Zoe burned so easily. He grabbed his wallet and keys, and they got their shoes on and they three were out the door.

Zoe was picky about her toys she was the type of child that if she didn't find the toy likable enough to play with more than once she does not get it this was due to him teaching her he sell or give it to another child if she only plays with it once than most interest getting the toy on an at the time want not a desire to play with it long term. She lost a handful of toys in this lesson if she wanted another later she had to save her allowance and buy it herself. So, zoe took her time picking out her toy they went to two different toy stores before she picked a toy out. They were heading to check out when passing the Hero is merchandise  and Zoe immediately went down to check it out after looking it all over she was jumping for joy to see the new toy action figure of Uravity she had been wanting but was sold out everywhere in stores where they used to live, he also spotted the two collectibles she didn't have yet (below)

As such he grabbed all three having promised if they came a cross them he buy them signifying Urivity was Zoe's favorite Hero, All Might was second, Todoroki was third and he placed fourth, as such Zoe had more merchandise of uravity than any othe...

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As such he grabbed all three having promised if they came a cross them he buy them signifying Urivity was Zoe's favorite Hero, All Might was second, Todoroki was third and he placed fourth, as such Zoe had more merchandise of uravity than any other and he the least of them all due reasoning was he was her mother and it was better she the real deal over merchandise which always made him smile. The only thing she had of bakugo was what he bought her for his ego but they were not front display as urivity or others she had bing she didn't like her father. She may be young but she wasn't stupid and saw how bakugo treated him much less her so it created a wall between them.

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