heart to heart pt2

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"Uhhh what's more than sex?"

"Dating, Sonic.. I meant dating."

"Oh... uh I don't think we're quite there.. maybe we were just both drunk and that's why it happened."

"You don't think there was any underlying feelings behind tonight?"

"Maybe but I didn't really have the intention of having a relationship right now, especially not such a rocky situation like this."

"So what do you think we should do? How should we even act around eachother after this?"

"We can just kinda move on if you want and be friends still."

"So.. just pretend it didn't happen?"

"No, we can acknowledge it but it doesn't have to affect our lives y'know."

"I see.. okay then I'll just let it go for now."

Sonic felt bad not giving Shadow a more reassuring answer as he looked to the floor and sipped his tea.

Unable to tell him his repressed feelings, too afraid of being outed too soon.

"I think I should get goin.."

Sonic said as he set his tea down on the coffee table.

"I'll walk you out."

They got up from the couch and head towards the door.

Shadow opened it for him allowing sonic to stand on the other side of the doorway.

"Hey, I do really appreciate you coming to talk things over with me."

"Yeah, of course.. sorry it didn't go they way you wanted."

"..Don't worry bout it, just get home safe."

"I will."

Sonic gave him a half smile and a wave as he started to walk home.

Shadow watched him walk into the night before closing the door fully.

His head began to throb from the frustration as he covered his face with his hands once again.

Walking to his bedroom to collapse, face down into the sheets with a groan.

"What did I even expect from him..?"

His mind wondered about this interaction for a while until he eventually drifted to sleep.

Meanwhile, Sonic had made it home from his walk.

Opening the door to his apartment and closing it behind him.

"What the fuck is wrong with me..?"

He said as he pushed is spikes down until his hand met the back of his neck.

"Oh well I'm not ready for that yet I'm in the closet."

Sonic mocked himself in a babbling tone, cluching his fists.

"God, I'm such loser... I feel like the biggest asshole for not reciprocating Shadow's feelings."

Passing the floor back and forth as he beat himself down.

"I just cant!.. i cant let people know."

Uncluching his fists as his passing turned to steps towards his bedroom door.

The door clicked close before sonic threw himself on his bed he looked up at the ceiling continuing to ponder aloud.

"I just need to stop, I need to just forget about any feelings towards him.!"

Sonic took a deep breath to try and calm himself down, resting his clasped fingers over his stomach.

"Maybe if we just hung out like regular friends these feelings would go away.."

Rolling over on his side thinking about what efforts he could put into this thought in hopes it might work.

His active brain eventually let him rest after he had fallen asleep with a pencil in hand, drooling on a page filled with activities for him and Shadow to do next time they saw eachother.

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