The dogfight

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I remember how the bandits flew inverted over my cockpit and how their pulse canons battered the metallic hull of my ship. I remember blood rushing to my head as I rolled and looped to doge the heavy weapons fire. And I remember my spire lurching from side to side every time we got hit.
And then my opportunity came, my sights lined up with the rear of the bandits ship. As I pulled the trigger time seemed to slow down. I heard the slow sound of my weapons charging up and then the flash. The light so bright it almost blinded me. I saw a long orange stream of energy hit the bandit's ship. A moment later it broke apart and exploded into thousands of small fragments. It was a glorious sight. But a small piece of me felt sorry, sure they just tried to kill me but what about their family, their brothers and sisters? What would become of them? Maybe I'd never know but all I knew was I was safe, for the time being at least

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