Devil [TW : violence, mentions of killing]

Start from the beginning


"I took down the post"


"Why do you ask so many questions?"

Arthur sighed. Help teach a new generation of contract killers and potential spies, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

"Fine, don't tell me. But still, this is not something you want to mess with"

"They started it. I told Jung that I would be personally responsible for taking out his little empire. If they wanna fight back then that's their problem"

"If they find out who you are-"

"I don't plan on leaving scum like him alive to tell anyone"

Arthur realized he wasn't getting anywhere and gave up. But he also planned on telling his fellow teachers about this.

"Be careful"

"I always am"

Arthur nodded. Even if slightly reckless at times, the Rogues members were usually careful about their identities. They weren't reckless enough to get caught and they completed missions. Surely they would end up alright. They were a good team.

"Kana, did you really tell him that?"

He looked at Briar.



"Yes, of course I did"

"You looked that man in the eye and told him you'd take down his empire?"

"He's not a man, Briar. He's scum"

"Right but still"

"I wasn't lying"

Saiki looked at his team. It was break and no one was in the room. Everyone was getting in some extra training, being on their phones or going out for snacks or something.

"Why do that if you were just going to kill him anyway?"

"He needed to know that karma was finally coming to bite him in the ass"

Briar nodded.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side"

Saiki nodded, letting the ends of his mouth turn up just slightly.


"You scare me sometimes dude"

"Good, you have a working sense of self preservation"

"This is why your whole school thinks you beat up thugs all by yourself"

"I'm pretty sure we're passed that whole dilemma already"


"Hey Saiki!"

Ah yes, the annoying art of code-switching.

Saiki had nearly slipped up once. But he managed to save himself that time. The second his ring was on, he started thinking more like 'Kana'.

While this code-named hitman was part of him, there were many differences between him as Kana then him as himself. Like general differences in language and tone of voice. He never really rolled his eyes or expressed much in his face as himself. At least not when people were looking. But when Kana was on assignment, he mocked his targets. Kana could charm a target out of potential witnesses line of sight. He happily ate candy while standing over the bodies of whatever criminal he was tasked with offing.

Kana was much more hardcore.


"So we were wondering if you were free to hang out today?"

The teachers were out on assignments of their own. There was no tutoring after school today. And Saiki was known for having problems saying no around the nuisances because they usually annoyed him until he said yes. Or Teruhashi was the one asking and it was impossible to say no to her without drawing attention. Before the whole 'part time job' thing anyway.

"... I am free"

"Great! We were gonna hang out at Kuboyasu and Kaido's new lair"


"Yeah, they made a proper lair the other day and wanted to show us"


Teruhashi was too powerful. He couldn't say no in front of everyone. Saiki then checked his phone. His other set of idiots were being themselves.

sugarmommie : Kana, wanna hang out after school?

discountgod : I already committed to plans with the nuisances

thorns : rip

snake : have fun with that

toogaytofunction : damn we never get to hang out

judgesinspanish : would missions count as hanging out?

discountgod : probably not

That was a lie they weren't currently being idiots. Saiki just assumed they were because usually that was the case. And he did enjoy using them to get out of hang outs. Saiki was already regretting saying yes to hanging out.

No peaceful Friday for him.

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