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Tatum should help Luke. Fix something broken. All she had to do was deliver two very important people a very special message.

There she was. Standing outside of Luke's childhood home. Tatum stood there in her pink converse, a pair of black jean overalls and white knit sweater. Her blonde straight hair was tucked behind her ears, as she hesitated to ring or knock on the front door. " Tatum? Tate?" Luke was suddenly standing next to her. " Luke, hi." She was surprised. " what are you doing here? How did you know-"

" okay, look. On your birthday the boys and me came here last week. I was curious why you were acting like a jerk so I figured, well the boys-" she sighed. " you know."

" you were spying on me?" He looked down at her. " after all your speeches about boundaries! You were spying." Luke said. " I know. I'm sorry it was rude. I was just worried about you." She told him. " you don't have to be." Luke mumbled. " Luke, look at me. I care, I worry, cause I love you." She stopped him. " their my parents, so you don't gotta worry."

" hey! Parents are special we just don't know it, till we see it, Luke your parents obviously still miss you tons, they had a cake." Tatum replied.

" I just don't know what I would say if I could even talk to her." Luke looked at the blonde.

" yes, you do, cause you already did." She held up the piece of paper. Luke looked at her with his blue eyes. " trust me."

Luke trusted Tatum. With everything. He knew he could trust her, everything he had he would give her and knew she would take care of it with love and protection he trusted her.

Ringing the doorbell for the Avery girl, not taking his eyes off her, Luke stepped aside. The door opened. " hello, can I help you with anything?"

" hi. Sorry if this is weird. I'm Tatum. Um.. I believed you had a son name Lucas?" She asked. " yes, that's right. Luke." His father answered.

" and you are again?"

" Tatum Avery. but please call me Tate." She told him. Luke softly smiled at her words. " um.. your son's band used to play in my family's garage?"

His father looked at her, confused.

" here, I found this." She pulled the paper from her back pocket. " it's a song about someone named "Emily." It says he wrote it." Tatum offered him the paper. " figured you might be interested."

" um....of course, come on, come on. I'm Mitch." He let her in. " it's nice to meet you, Mitch." She smiled, walking in. Leaving the door open a bit for Luke to walk in she nodded her head for him to walk in and they it was okay.

" would you like anything? Water? Juice? Anything?" Mitch asked. " oh, I'm good. Thank you though." She smiled. " your a very well-mannered girl, you were raised right." Mitch told her. " oh. why thank you, oh, is this your son?"

Tatum looked down at the small picture frame of a baby Luke. " yeah, that's Luke when he was two."

" do you have any other children?" Tatum asked. " nope, just Lukey boy." Mitch replied, with a shake to the head.

" did I hear the doorbell?" A women walked in the living room. " hi, hun. This is Tate." Mitch said. " hello, Tate. My, that's a beautiful sweater." She admired Tatum's sweater. " thank you, it was my mom's," the Avery girl smiled. "Tate was saying she lives in the house where Luke and the band used to rehearse, she came across one of Luke's songs."

" it's about a girl. Name Emily." Tatum passed her the paper with lyrics on it. ".....I'm Emily." She replied. " then, I think your son must have written that for you." Tatum smiled.

Tatum watched as the crying parents finished reading the song. " thank you." Emily cried. " you have no idea how happy that made us." Mitch told the blonde teenage girl.

As the old couple cried.

" I write music in the same studio that he did and I can tell you it's a magical, happy place." Tatum smiled. " that's so nice to know."

" I know he was only seventeen but your son was lived doing the one thing he was born to do. Not many people find that, luckily I did. And I can tell you it's a beautiful exciting feeling when people love the thing you live for." Tatum told them,
" you would've been so proud."

" it was so nice to meet you, Tate. Thank you." Emily grabbed hold of the girl hugging her. " it was nice to meet you too."


WALKING UP THE front porch steps of her home, Tatum was met with a phantom, Luke.

" hey." She placed her hands behind her back , as she greeted the boy who leaned on her porch.
" hey." He responded.

" I'm sorry for overstepping, really I am."
She walked up to him.

" no, I...you did something I could never have the balls to do." He reassured her.

" that was..." he trailed off.

" you don't have to say anything. Just know I've never been hugged so many times by one person before." She chuckled, making him chuckle lightly. " but no, I do. I didn't have many regrets in my life except for running out on my parents. Especially my mom, so, thank you." Luke thanked her.

" you helped me feel more connected to my mom, so...it's the least I could do. For you, of course do the same for you." Tatum replied. " that was prefect." Luke walked closer to her.

" Luke, what I said earlier, I meant it." She looked at the ghost. " I love you."

" I love you too." He leaned in, she leaned in.

It was really happening she wished it did.

"Luke." She backed up, and sighed.

" this is an interesting little relationship you and I have?" Luke smiling looking at her from the corner of his eye.

She smiled.

" couldn't give said
it better myself, pretty boy."

They smiled at each other.
Trying to hold hands, didn't work.

" we seriously stop trying
we know it won't work." She chuckled.

" couldn't have said it
better myself, beautiful."

" you know you make it really
hard not to love you, right mr.Patterson?"

" same goes for you, miss. Avery."






𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒-𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now