stay with me (requested)

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You let out a heavy breath as you tried to stay focused on your work.

You're sitting at your desk in your office trying to get some work done but you had a rough time sleeping last night, so you're tired.

You run your own business and so you decided to work from home today instead of going into the office.

It just seemed like the better choice for today.

You typed on your computer and looked over some things for your job when you suddenly heard what sounded like a crash coming from downstairs.

You turned your gaze and looked out the door since it was open.

You held your breath and waited to see if you heard anything else but all you heard was silence.

You shrugged it off thinking it was one of the cats just playing and resumed working.

Things were fine for another minute or so.

It was quiet other than your typing on the keyboard.

Until you heard footsteps.

You turned around in your chair and stood up to go and see if it was Taylor.

But before you could peek out the door, someone appeared as they stood outside your office.

You didn't recognize them, it was a stranger.

"Who are you?"

They didn't say anything in return.

They just breathed heavily through the ski mask that they had on.

Your heart was pounding as fear flooded over you and it only got more intense when you saw what was in his hand.

A knife.

"Look, whoever you are, whatever you're here for, you can take it and go. I'm not going to tell anyone."

You were starting to panic.

You knew you needed to run but you didn't know where and getting past the man wouldn't be easy because he was right there and he had the upper hand given the weapon he had.

"Please don't hurt me." You said as you leaned against your desk.

Even though you were facing him, you were trying to find your phone.

It was somewhere through the clutter on your desk.

Surely you could feel it and then try to find a way to call for help.

But before you had the chance to find it, he let out a laugh that sent a chill down your spine.

"I wasn't going to hurt you. I just came to rob you."

You let out a sigh of relief.

But it didn't last long.

Because he spoke again and the words he said terrified you.

"But you were here. At the wrong place at the wrong time." He said and then stepped closer to you. "And now, I have to."

"Please don't! Just take what you want. I won't tell anyone, I swear!"

He shook his head.

Out of pure fear and adrenaline, you tried to make a run for it because you at least had to attempt it.

But as you did so, he grabbed ahold of you and as you screamed, he threw you onto the floor.

"Shut up." He warned, placing the knife in front of your eyes.

He had his foot on your back and you winced from the force he had on your spine.

"Please." You whimpered.

You'd never felt more terrified.

Turning you over onto your back, he sat on the floor beside you and began to attack you.

He placed his hand over your mouth to prevent anyone from hearing your screams.

But you bit his hand hard, leaving behind some teeth marks, and he screamed in pain before pulling away.

You screamed at the top of your lungs as he continued to attack you... until you went unconscious.

You were in and out of it for a few minutes.

He had left the room but you could still hear him inside your home as he ransacked the rooms to grab valuables.

You closed your eyes as you heard him return and you held your breath, keeping your chest from rising.

And he thought you were gone.

So he left.

You heard the front door slam and you waited a few more minutes before trying to move.

But he'd done quite the number on you.

You had lost a lot of blood and you were so weak that you could hardly move.

You tried to move towards your desk to reach for your phone but you couldn't.

You had no strength.

And with that, you lost consciousness again.

Meanwhile, Taylor had just arrived at the studio a few minutes ago but realized that, unfortunately, she had forgotten something important that she'd need for today.

So she had to head back home to pick it up.

She arrived home a few minutes later and let herself in and her heart dropped when she noticed that the window was broken.

She looked around and saw that the cats were all conked out, so they hadn't gotten out.

However, she knew something was still very wrong because you had no reason to break the window.

"Y/N? Baby, are you okay?" She called out as she climbed the stairs.

She went down the hall to your office but she was not prepared for the sight she was met with.

You were on the floor on your back, beaten and bloody.

It was obvious you'd been stabbed as well and it was the most horrific and terrifying thing she'd ever seen.

"Oh, my god!" She panicked and pulled out her phone to call for help. "I need help! My girlfriend is hurt. Please help!"

She was crying as she listened to you struggle to breathe.

You were coming to again but you were still so weak that opening your eyes felt impossible.

"Baby? Baby, I'm here." She said as she kissed your forehead. "I'm right here with you. Stay with me. Help is coming, I promise."

"He attacked me." You weakly spoke.

"Who?" She asked.

You were mumbling, fading out again.

"No, baby, I'm here. Focus on me." She said as she grabbed your hand.

You didn't know who it was that had broken in and hurt you but you knew it was a man and you could remember a few things about him, such as his deep voice and his height, as well as the color of his eyes.

"Don't worry, baby. Don't strain yourself, okay? Just stay calm and focus on me."

You opened your eyes slowly and looked into hers, finding her blue eyes filled with tears and terror.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She sniffled. "I've got you. You're going to be just fine. Just let me keep seeing those pretty eyes."

You managed to hang in there, keeping your eyes locked with hers as help arrived.

They rushed you to the emergency room and Taylor held your hand every second until you arrived and she wasn't allowed back as they tried to care for you.

A nurse helped her to a chair as her knees nearly gave out several times.

She sobbed as she sat on the chair, hoping that you'd make it through.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt