11) truths

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"Thanksgiving began when the pilgrims and Indians came together to share the bountiful harvest on the upper east side that tradition is upheld with a bountiful harvest of secrets lies and scandal's" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was in the diner just drinking a milkshake when she saw Jordan walk in. Jordan saw her and sat next to her.

"What are you doing here" Jordan asked. "Just getting a milkshake they always make me feel better" Mia said. "What happened" Jordan asked.

"I broke up with Nate" Mia said. "Why I thought you really liked him" Jordan asked. "I did but he liked Serena more" Mia said and Jordan sighed shaking his head.

"He liked my sister, my sister who I had no clue about until high school more than me who was barely there for him, but I was, I was, and it wasn't enough" Mia said and sighed.

"I guess I should be used to it I'm always the second choice" Mia said.

"When did this happen" Jordan asked. "Last night" Mia said. "Why didn't you tell me" Jordan asked. "Didn't want to bother you" Mia said.

"Hey, you can never bother me I mean it" Jordan said and Mia looked at him.

"Mia you can come to me about anything I care about you okay and I'm always going to be here for you" Jordan said and Mia slightly smiled.

"Thanks Jordan" Mia said. "Always" Jordan said. "I should go I'll see you around" Mia said and left.


Mia's phone rang as she was heading home, and she looked to see it was Serena. Hesitating at first Mia sighed before answering.

"Have you made up with Blair yet" Mia asked. "Not yet" Serena said. "Then don't call me till you do" Mia said. "Wow M is everything okay you sound upset what's wrong" Serena asked.

"Nothing I'm just tired of the fighting" Mia said lying. "You sure" Serena asked. "Yeah" Mia said.

"Hey, I saw on gossip girl that you and Nate broke up why didn't you tell me" Serena asked.

"I don't know I guess I just assumed Nate told you" Mia said. "Why would Nate tell me that" Serena asked.

"No reason" Moa said. "M" Serena started to say when Mia interrupted. "Hey, I gotta go okay make things right with Blair please" Mia said and hung up.


Mia went to the Waldorf's knowing she had to tell Blair that is if she didn't find out already about her breakup with Nate. "Blair" Mia said as soon as she walked in.

"Blair you there" Mia asked after getting no response.

"There's something I need you to tell you that is if you haven't found out already" Mia said.

Blair came down and went towards Mia. "Hey M what's up" Blair asked. "I know you most likely already found out, but I thought you might want to hear it from me" Mia said and took a breath.

"Nate and I broke up" Mia said. "I heard but I'm still glad you told me It's much better hearing from you than online" Blair said and Mia slightly smiled.

"Oh M" Blair said and hugged her feeling Mia slowly wrap her arms around her. "Are you okay" Blair asked.

"I will be" Mia said. "You don't have to lie to me M" Blair said and Mia finally let a few tears fall.

"It hurts B it really hurts it feels like my heart just shattered and I don't know if I can put the pieces back together" Mia said crying.

"I know but hey" Blair said and pulled away looking at Mia wiping her tears.

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