Chapter 49 - Pursuer

Start from the beginning

"Move? What move? Are we moving dorms?"

"No. Make your move with Ichinose-san."

"What does Christmas have to do with Ichinose?" I asked.

Chiaki laid her hand on my shoulder as if pretending to be a wise man speaking to a lowly fool. "You see, Christmas is a special time for girls. And is a critical time for growing relationships beyond friendship."

"And? How does that apply to me?"

"Simply put, they're saying Christmas could be a great chance for you and Ichinose-san to get closer," Hirata concisely summarized their thoughts.

"Okay, I understand the opportunity. But shouldn't I be the one to decide if I take it or not?"

"Nope," Kei replied. "We're your best friends, so we know what's best for you, and our word is absolute."

Chiaki and Maya nodded in agreement.

"But shouldn't our focus be on school and our futures?" I asked.

"Sure, I guess. But you have to live a life beyond school. You can't waste your time focusing only on getting good grades and being a loner. Besides, you're one of the best-looking guys in our school; it's almost weird you aren't in a relationship."

I sighed in response to my friends 'advice'. "I will take your words to heart. But that will be my decision at the end of the day."

The girls seemed delighted at my response as they giggled and whispered with each other for a few moments.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but do any of you notice that something is off?" Hirata suddenly asked.

"What do you mean, Hirata-kun?"

"It's about Class C, isn't it?" I replied.

Hirata nodded in agreement at my statement.

"Wait, what about Class C?" Maya asked, blissfully unaware of the situation.

"For the past couple of days, members of Class C have been following me around," Hirata started. "I started noticing them when they kept showing up at my club practices. But then they'd follow me during regular daily activities too."

I had noticed the same thing. Ever since the results of the 'Paper Shuffle Exam' were announced, some of Ryuuen's lackeys had been following people from Class D. Myself included. And it seems like Hirata was someone of interest too.

"Where are they?" Kei asked as she tried to survey her surroundings.

It was Kondo Reo, he kept a very loose follow on us. Staying nearly out of sight and acting like a normal shopper. If I remember correctly, he was one of the students acquainted with Sudo's trial at the beginning of the year.

"It doesn't matter where they are, it's just the fact they have been following us for some time now," I answered.

"Have they been following you too, Fukumoto-kun?" Hirata asked.

"Yes, for a couple of days. If it's when I'm walking home or at Keyaki Mall, there always seems to be someone tailing me."

But today, there was one more than any previous time. They were much better at tailing than Class C was, as not even they had noticed this person's presence. It was a small and timid aura following me, something I barely even noticed myself.

"Can't we, like, report them to the school?" Maya asked.

"How, though?" Chiaki replied.

"Well, tell them we are being followed all the time, obviously."

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