14) through many dangers, toils, and snares

Start from the beginning

"They do not look at you like you're a bobblehead" Aria said.

"Really I still catch them looking and you too, the only one who doesn't is Ava" Mike said. "Yeah, well I still worry" Ava said.

"We just want you to be okay" Aria told Mike. "Well, that's tough to do with people waiting for you to turn into a zombie or something" Mike said.

"Hmm it's funny I always saw you as more of the cute werewolf type" Aria said.

"Me too plus the werewolves are way hotter" Ava said and Mike smiled before kissing Ava's forehead.

Ezra Fitz came out and went towards Ava, Mike, and Aria. "Hello" Mike said. "Hey Mike, Ava, Aria" Ezra said. "Hi" Aria said back to him.

"Haven't seen you in a while" Ezra told Aria. "Yeah, I um I don't really get over to Hollis much anymore have things to do around here so I still have that Ivy Dunbar book that you lent me the essays I know that you said it's pretty rare, so you probably want that back" Aria said.

"No, no it's okay uh no rush as long as I know you have it" Ezra said.

"I do I really like her writing" Aria said. "Yeah, I knew you would" Ezra said. "Mike would you and Ava go" Aria asked and Mike knew what she meant.

"Sure" Mike said and left with Ava not once moving his arm away from around her throwing Aria's cup away before returning to her.

"Well, we gotta go" Aria said. "Yeah, I gotta go too it was great seeing you Mike, Ava" Ezra said. "Mr Fitz" Mike said. "Bye" Aria said to Ezra. "Bye" Ezra said back to her.


"Hey what's going on with Emily and Spencer" Mike asked Ava after she got her books out of her locker.

"I don't know they just started fighting probably over something stupid" Ava said closing her locker. "Give me that" Mike said taking Ava's books.

"No Mike no I can" Ava tried to say but Mike already grabbed her books. "I wish for once you let me carry my own stuff" Ava said.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that" Mike said and Ava just glared at him. "I love you" Mike said. "Yeah, I love you too" Ava said. "Come on" Mike said using his free hand to hold Ava's hand and they headed off to class.


Ava saw Toby outside and smiled and ran to him hugging him. Toby smiled and hugged her back.

Ava eventually broke from the hug and looked at Toby. "Waiting for Spencer" Ava asked. "Yea but I was also hoping to run into my baby sister" Toby said and Ava smiled.

"How do you like living with Jason" Toby asked. "It's great but not as fun as it was living with my brother" Ava said.

"Don't worry you'll be back before you know it" Toby said.

"And then it's back to every other week with Jason" Ava said. "Yes, but hey he does care about you" Toby said. "Yeah, you're right" Ava said. "But I still miss you" Ava told Toby.

"I miss you too" Toby said and Ava gave Toby a kiss on the cheek on a sisterly way before leaving.


Aria, Ava, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer met up late that night in secret and Emily gave Aria her phone.

"You were always my favorite want to make a deal" Aria said reading the message. "A took the bait" Emily said smiling. "Gotta, say I didn't expect that to work" Ava said.

"We pulled it off" Hanna said. "A totally thinks we're not friends anymore" Emily said and Aria gave her, her phone back.

"They think that we have a real evidence" Spencer said. "Look does it bother anybody that we don't actually have anything we're just making it up" Hanna asked.

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