Onii-chan goes to Ao's royal palace

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021. Onii-chan goes to Ao's royal palace

 By the way, even though it's late, I'm the daughter of a duke of Wistaria Kingdom, the Blue Country.

 Among the three countries on this continent, Wistaria has a large proportion of them facing the sea, and trade with countries on other continents is quite active.

 In the last ten years, the progress in shipbuilding technology and the long-term preservation of food using ice magic have been established, so it can be said that the country is quite prosperous.

 And, rather than being unique to a trading country, the royal family of this country often leaves the country for a long period of time.

 The royal family themselves are at the forefront of diplomacy, traveling between countries and making deals between various nations.

 His father, who is a duke, is one of the top nobles in charge of government during the absence of the royal family, and is busy every day.

 Well, the preamble has become long, but since I became a saint candidate, His Majesty the King has returned to this blue country for the first time.

 In the end, I had to go and say hello, so my father took me to Wistaria Castle.

 Compared to Kernel's somewhat rugged and robust looking castle, this one's appearance is more important, and it's a gorgeous one that incorporates architectural styles from other countries.

"Phew, I was nervous..."

 After reporting to the king that I had become a saint candidate, I was breathing heavily in the guest room assigned to me.

"It was a dignified attitude. Selene-sama."

 It was Agnès who called out.

 I had her accompany me to this audience as an attendant maid.

 By the way, the outfit is that mini skirt maid outfit.

 As a maid, there were some people who looked suspiciously at her because of her somewhat revealing outfit, but other than her short skirt, there was nothing particularly strange about it, so no one dared to point it out.

 Well, this Ao country has a relatively large number of foreigners, and many of them are culturally generous and accept many things.

 In areas created by immigrants from desert countries, it's said that dancers in more revealing outfits are usually walking around, and if they're dressed like Agnès, well, it's probably safe.

“I have finished reporting to His Majesty the King, so for the time being I wonder if I can go home?”

“No, I will also have an audience with His Highness the Prince after this.”

 Ah, yes.

 I completely forgot that I had an audience with Elias-sama, the prince of Blue Country.

 Elias-sama is the first prince of this country and is 12 years old like me.

 Actually, this is the first time that we meet.

 It may seem strange that the royal family and the ducal family have a good connection, but there is actually a reason for this.

 That's because Elias-sama became the top of the line of succession to the throne only recently.

 About three years ago.

 The king's eldest son, Prince Felix, who had the first right to the throne, suddenly disappeared.

 Felix-sama was a young prince, but he was extremely talented in both intelligence and magic.

 Then, after attending a party in a certain country, he disappeared.

 It happened suddenly, without warning.

 According to the knights who were accompanying him as escorts, the prince suddenly jumped into the sea on the way home.

 It was a stormy day, and the search was not successful.

 Since then, search parties have been sent many times, but the prince has still not been found, and everyone already thinks that he is dead in their hearts.

 Because no clear confirmation of his death could be obtained, the prince remained the first heir to the throne for a long time, but three years have passed, and the country is now in a situation where it is necessary to find the next heir. By the way.

 Therefore, it was Elias-sama who had the first right to succeed to the throne.

 Elias-sama is the cousin of the current king. For the time being, he is in a position to have the first right to succeed to the throne, but there are many other candidates, and it is a little different from the situation where it is said that he will definitely become king like Colonel Leonhard. It is the current situation.

"What kind of person are you?"

 For the time being, according to what I heard from my father, he was an intelligent person, but his words were a little cloudy.

“According to Leonhardt-sama’s story… he is a quiet person.”


 Intelligent and quiet... Yeah, I can't help but feel like I'm choosing my words.

 And there was a knock on the door.

"Dear Selene Funnel. Prince Elias is ready. I will guide you."

 Well, what kind of person are you?

 Since he is a prince, there is a possibility that he is a capture target, so I have to get along with him as much as possible. 

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