•In the depths of my heart• 5th poem<3!

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In the depths of my heart, love was once a blazing flame,
Igniting the very core of our existence, it was our claim.
But now, oh beloved, we stand on unsteady ground,
For your love, like a wilted flower, can no longer be found.

I love you, yes, with a passion that knows no bound,
Yet your actions, like a cruel wind, have left me spellbound.
With each passing day, love slips through my fingertips,
For your lack of affection, in my heart, etches painful scripts.

It's not the grand gestures or lavish displays I seek,
But simple glimpses of affection, soothing and meek.
A tender touch, a loving word, a genuine smile,
These precious acts of love can mend a heart's defile.

But alas, my love, you choose to be detached and cold,
Leaving me to wonder if your love was merely a story untold.
How can I carry on, when doubts scream in my ear,
When the love I hold for you is met with indifference, my dear?

I yearn for the days where our love was a symphony,
When your love was a melody that wrapped around me.
But if you cannot reciprocate, if your heart remains veiled,
I fear, my love, our journey together may soon be derailed.

So I beg of you, my beloved, do not let love fade away,
Kindle the embers, breathe life into it, I sincerely pray.
For if you continue to withhold the love I hold so dear,
Know that I may drift away, in search of love that's clear.

For I deserve a love that's pure, a love that's real,
A love that heals wounds and brings warmth you can feel.
But until that day arrives, I'll hold onto hope's gentle embrace,
And pray that our love can withstand this tumultuous phase.

For I love you, my dear, but you're making me fall apart,
With your lack of love, you're breaking my fragile heart.
Show me, my love, that your love for me still remains,
Or else, my beloved, our love shall slip through the veins.

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