"A Frenchmens hideaway."

146 3 6

(This is supposed to be a reenactment of what happened earlier when everyone was in the meeting lol.)

—If you picked option 1:—
You walked out of the supply closet, carefully and observed your surroundings in three simple glances, after somewhat good nights rest in the makeshift pillow fort you built, the only problem that was there was in the attic was that it was too hot in there, since you are somewhat warm blooded but mostly cold blooded you survived in there but if you were a human you would have most likely died of a heat stroke, but in the middle of the night to attempt to cool the attic and you just enough to make it comfortable you tired to open the window but sadly it didn't budge. You walked out into the hallway and walked quietly, making sure you don't alert those humans that chased you last time.

It's a lot of corners to cut around and you getting constantly lost between halls and rooms while looking for an exit but after what seems eternity you find a dead end with only one door. You run up to it believing it's the door to outside world and going to check if it was. If it is then you would have to spend one more day in this base so for it to turn night time to leave. You opened the door but it took a couple bust before you grew tired & whipped out your knife, placing it by the crack of the door and slamming it repeatedly. It eventually jammed the door open, you entered the room. (To read the rest, scroll down to sentence: "You swiped to your right and unlocked the door you pushed it open but instead you found" on "if you picked option 3")

—If you picked option 3:—
You had left the doctors office earlier that night with the spy head you now officially made friends with. You found shelter and a place to sleep for the night, under the sink. Sure it was risky, trying to sneak behind the couch while someone was sleeping on it. but in the end you made it to the kitchen and feel asleep. You woke up with a yawn and grabbed your friend and stuffed him back into you bag and slowly creeped out under the sink and adjusted your eyes to the light before heading out. It was really early, the air was still a crispy breeze mixed in with the slowly rising sun just as the same day you "accidentally got kidnapped" without knowing. You walked corner after corner looking for an exit and not even considering what to do with the blu spy if you do find an exit, but in the end you found a door in a small but short hallway with 3 light bulbs hanging from the ceiling all of which are super bright.

You started to think that this may be one of the only exits in this surrounding areas, you crept closer to the door and attempted to open it but it was locked. You remember the small scalpel you used to cut paper with and started quickly searching for it in your bag. You forgot to take it with you before you left the medical office. You had to resort to plan B and you held the door with your left hand and quickly struck the door with your left hand/claw, it was right above the door handle. You swiped to your right and unlocked the door you pushed it open but instead you found

A smallish sized room, it was decent but it seemed more like a cabin than anything. You walked around and felt a small bump below your foot, Y/n looked down and saw some sort of fancy animal pelt used as a rug. The silence that drooped over Y/N was a bit unsettling at most but you managed to suck it in, after all this how you where treated with your clan.

You attempted to not remember anything about the past but you always remembered a saying your buddies would always say to you.

Skinwalkers hunt, no room for runts
Skinwalkers bite, a course of delight
Skinwalkers foot, down the hoofs

You remembered each meaning for each saying.
The first one meaning there is only room for taller ones
The second one about cannibalism feast
The third one being if you walk out into the night you always must transform.

You take a sigh and wondered how things always gone wrong, especially after those buddies of yours left you when you needed them most. You continued looking around the room a bit, looking for an exit of some sort and not find anything. You sigh and begin to walk away until you hear the ac turn on, you jumped in surprised and started to plan something. If you go into the vent you can maybe get out of the building. You try and find something to support you on your way to climb into the vent.

——time skip—-

After you placed the final chair on top of the jenga mess you made you carefully attempted to pull yourself up into to the chairs to climb into the vent. You placed one claw after the other and managed to make it to the top, you used your claws to unscrew the bolts bolted to the vent panel. Y/N is about to screw the final bolt but the chairs became to unsteady, you feel as the chairs start to wobble under you, you tried to pull the pointer fingers claw out of the bolt but it's to late. You fall along slide the chair as it pittered and crashed like a boat grazing between a cruise, your nail unlatches from your finger and is now bleeding as you lay on the floor, unable to comprehend what just happened.

You felt a heavy book slam on the tip of your tail...

You ass springs like a cat into the air and you start running around rapidly in the room, tearing the reading chair, crashing the bookshelves into the floor

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You ass springs like a cat into the air and you start running around rapidly in the room, tearing the reading chair, crashing the bookshelves into the floor.

—if you picked option 2/ extra dialog for you pookie bears 🥺🥺—
The blu spy head is handing on for dear life in the messenger bag while you bump into furniture and scraping the bag along the corners of the walls and table.
In the end of your painful experience you leap on top of a display shelf and send it crashing into the floor with glass shards spewing everywhere. The wine bottles locked inside of the case are now scattered across the floor, looking like a whole murder scene. You scramble to get afoot as soon as you hear footsteps in the distance from your hearing.
"60 ft away"
You mumble under your breath.

You looked around for anything to grab before you run. You looked ahead of your direction.... What do you pick?...
1. self defense book
2. Hair pin
3. Nail filer
4. Lighter
-if you picked 1.-
You don't really know what to do with it and you don't even know how to read but you still shove it in your bag
-if you picked 2.-
You looked at the small Bobby pin and look at your coyote pelt and stream the pin in the coyotes fur.
-if you picked 3.-
A nail filer???? You don't know why you need that but you place it in your bag
-if you picked 4.-
Your either a pyromaniac or a camper... you believe the lighter could be important later on. Either that or you just wanna be different.

You placed the (O/N) into your bag and quickly book it down the hallway into the darkness. You felt something spotted you but ignored it.
It is now the after noon, you finally settled down in a spare room the men had to give, even though you took it without permission -.
You where relieved that there is no windows and a unscrewed vent so you can't escape easily if anything goes wrong.

-extra dialog for option 2 readers 🥰-
You opened you bag and placed your friend into the desk across from the bed, he thanks you in English for some reason even though you kidnapped him.
You sigh and toss your bag across the room and lay down onto the bed like a melodramatic teenager. It's the second night you been in this "house" if you can even call it. You resurrect your thoughts into one place and your mind is filled with questions and thoughts, wondering why your even here and why you can't even find a exit out of this base...
You hear a loud scream come from the area you where just in, rapid footsteps lured to the room and you hear someone explaining what happened. You realize that could have been the owner of the room and you completely screwed it up in less than a minute.

You drift off to sleep just wanting to get this over with. Who knows how long you may be staying here. It could be days, weeks, months but never years. You decided to take a after noon nap.. and you fall asleep...

What y/n doesn't know is that they are now being tracked by the mercenary team, too determined to give up on one messily story and now looking for more physical evidence rather than eye whiteness and explanation. Will y/n be discovered or not?.. find out in page 11! titled "Searching"!.

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