The peyote meeting

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~~Y/n POV~~
As I watch from a distance from on top of a hill of sandiness dry plants, old tree barks, tumble weeds, and broken glass shards I managed to get to the meeting where those medicine men go I was right on time just as the last person entered the tipi, I settled down on a tree near by the  tent just enough where I can hear the fire crackle and hear the people talking but not close enough where they can hear me or see me over the chants and singing they do it's quite beautiful singing I must admit the high notes they get and how passionate they sound the sun finally became a sunset and then became nothing more but the nights inkiness of blackness and when the evil comes out at night I am not like the others I go out in a the day time while the others stay inside the caves of sorrows, sadness, sacrifices, and the reeks of death I often go out when the sun is setting the shadows of the canyons grow that's how I can be safe from the sun I could burn in the sun like a vampire the sun god doesn't like are kind tormenting there people only at night can we go out and hunt them and look for food we are built like humans we get hungry to. . . Just I get lost in my thoughts the chanting of singing and drums start, the sounds of singing and chanting made my heart feel warm inside I don't understand the feeling much but it feels nice it makes me feel happy just then I heard a baby sneeze it warmed my heart even more knowing that little humans can also sneeze I wonder if they know what's even happening? Do they know how to speak? Or at least talk? A couple hours goes by then they stopped chanting I was kinda worried and confused by then wondering If they saw me or heard me then a women starting talking the mother of the little human that sneezed I assumed, she sounded young like in her 30s and had a wise motherly voice to her enough to calm a baby down then she started singing in Navajo "Oh my child my child what's that behind you? Oh it's a pretty bird lock in a cage Are you going to keep it? are you going to release it? Are you going keep it? Or are you gonna free it? O a bird locked in your cage when will you come out? When will you come out? Wait... who's that behind you?... oh a little sparrow locked in your cage. Oh the sparrow locked in the cage. Do you want to be released? Do you want to be released?. do you want to be free as a bird or as locked away as a dumb song bird?. Tell me it's ur choice its ur choice now pick wisely. Ooo little sparrow you don't have much time better be quick or be left to die" The singing was beautiful in words I can't describe It made me feel safe like when a mother starts singing a lullaby to you and starts combing your hair and I felt tired I started to find a comfortable sleeping spot thinking I could take a quick nap before I wake up and go back to the cave.
~~ Hours Later~~
I wake up to the sounds of talking I couldn't translate it I just woke up and was groggy then I shot up from the tree realizing that sun is coming upon the sky the people where packing up inside the last of the fires light casting the medicine men's and women's shadows before a man covers dirt on the fire making it die out of the flames I had to leave now before they walk outside and see me from what I learn they walk outside to complete the ceremony from spending hours inside the tent I started carefully climbing off the tree and started booking it making sure they can't hear the pitter patter of my feet running across the sand I slowly started turning into a coyote so that if they walk out they just see the color of sand nothing more I started running up the hill and stopped half way thinking if I climb the hill I might burn faster I quickly doge and ran to the other side of the hill finding a bit of shadow still left I took a moment to think  "should I stay there?"
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