Let's go through this one more time

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-----------------------5 years ago---------------------

"There are two kinds of people in the world" in an abandoned warehouse on the waterfront of New New York, a tall, lanky man with night-black hair reaching down to his shoulders wearing old, ragged clothes and with several tattoos on his arms gave a lesson for two children

The man talked and looked around the abandoned shed without a worry in the world

Without giving a damn about the pruritic stench of the place caused by the countless mutilated bodies that piled up there.

He couldn't care less about the fact that children, not older than 10 years old, saw that

On the contrary he was the one who called them here in the first place

"there are those who are predators and those who are prey"

He didn't give a shit about any of that

Currently the only thing that captured his attention was a body that was in the center of the shed

a young adult of not more than 30 years

his body was not lying on the ground like the others

instead he was hanging with his feet above the ground

"and unfortunately my silly little brother was the second one"

hanging by the neck

to be more specific

His attention quickly left the dead young adult and went to the oldest child in the place who looked at everything with a terrified look.

"(Y/n) are you paying attention"

"Y-Yes" he wasn't

the man gave a tired sigh and slowly approached the children

"your father was a weak man" the man knelt down in front of (Y/n) getting at eye level "but that doesn't mean you have to be one"

not caring about the girl who was next to (Y/n) holding the hem of his shirt, the man put one of his callused hands on the shoulder of (Y/n) and with the other he grabbed a necklace that was on the his neck

slowly the man took a military collar from his neck and put it on (Y/n)'s neck

something that caught the boy's attention

His uncle never took that necklace off

"prey and predators" said the man once more this time looking directly into the boy's eyes

It was hard to see at the time because of the sunglasses the man was wearing but (Y/n) noticed that the shade of green in his eyes and his uncle's eyes were identical

".....prey and predators" the child repeated

and the man smiled

---------------------Current times--------------------

Midtown School of Science and Technology of New New York, Zone 2

"Jesus christ (Y/n) you look awful"

"Hi lipo yes my day is being great good morning to you too"

Right at the entrance of the school a tall, bald and fat teenager wearing band clothes came to talk to (Y/n) who in turn had not changed either his clothes or the bandages that his friend had put on last night

"and this is how you greet someone lipo"

"No no lipo is right, it looks like someone put you in a meat grinder and tried to make a hamburger with your body" Another teenager, this time thin, of average height and with pimples on his face, joined the conversation

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