Part 5.

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"So, the cause of the dizziness, unfortunately it's quite early so, don't get your hopes to high." The doctor explained

I was getting worried, what is wrong with me.

"I am confused?" I told looking at Dominick.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Carisi, you are pregnant." She told and I was speechless, I turn to Dominick, his mouth was opened and I laughed.

Then I realized, 12 days ago.

"Wait, am I 12 days along?" I asked as she smiled.

"Unfortunately no, it takes about few days after conception happened, your about a week along." She told and I smiled along with Dominick, we had been planning to this was amazing, 12 days ago we were still on our honeymoon.

"We did found HGg levels in the blood stream, that is the cause for the dizziness." She told and I nodded.

"Unfortunately, you are still early, anything can still happen, so Unfortunately it's not a great time but, let's hope for the best, best time is around 12 weeks." She told and I nodded.

We walked out, and I grabbed the keys.

"I'm driving!" I yelled happily as Dominick took it back.

"No way, for your both safety I'm driving." He told and I mouthed opened.

"Seriously?" I yelled as he laughed. "Cooking too." He told and I looked at him.

"Seriously, ow well, you are best at it anyway." I told as he laughed helping me inside the car, I smiled seeing him close my door walking around, he climbed in and his hand flew to my womb.

"I can't believe you are carrying?" He told and I kissed him. "With your little angel." I told as he smiled at me.


We decided to wait and see what happens before we tell anyone about this since anything can still happen.

Around 2 weeks, I started to bleed, luckily I was at home, and Carisi was with me the girls wat with his parents, so it was easy getting to the hospital, a few days of worrying and hoping, luckily my HgG levels were still good and climbing, it was just the implantation that happened, since I knew so early it was scary.

Everything was good and so was our little one.

Around 12 weeks, we both started telling our girls, both Jesse and Billie was over the moon. Both Dominick and I was so happy to see them getting excited to meet their baby soon.

We all were together having fun in the living room, Dominick was busy making dinner for us, when he suddenly realized something...

I watched as his eyes kept looking around. "Dominick? And now?" I asked looking at my husband giving a soft giggle.

"I can't find the Mayo." He told and I smiled at him.

"Sonny, we used everything up already. Can I get us some?" I asked as he laughed

"Only as a family." He told and I smiled turning to the girls.

"Girls, go get your shoes and jacket, were going to the stores." I explained as both of them rushed up and went to their rooms, Dominick laughed as he came over, I stood up and got the keys, he took it from me and I smiled, knowing how protective he is, and held me.

The girls came running in and I laughed seeing how happy they are. "Let's go." Dominick explained and picked Billie up as I smiled at Jesse and held her hand as we walked out.

Jesse and Billie sat behind while Dominick and I infront with Dominick driving. He held my hand while he drove, I smiled at him, as his hand moved to my womb, I smiled at him.

I started to show, I was now 16 weeks along or 4 months.

We arrived at the store, as Dominick held me, while Jesse and Billie walked in front, we arrived at the aisle, Jesse and Billie ran in the boys aisle and Domick and I turn to each.

"Girls, wrong aile." I laughed as Dominick smiled at me. We followed the girls, as they picked out a blue blanket with small stars and cars on. I smiled and bowed to them.

"Jesse, Billie. We can pick a different blanket as well, for you two."

"Or are you two getting for a friend at school?" Dominick asked with me also confused, both of them love pink and purple and even green, but blue as well but, never with cars.

Both of them look at each as Billie walked to me and smiled touching my womb.

"No momma, for our baby brother." She told smiling, I look at Dominick he was also shocked as I was, I turn to Jesse and she smiled at us.

"Billie, Jesse we don't know yet?" I told gently holding Billie as Dominick smiled at me, grabbing Jesse and pulling her in for a hug.

"Do you two want a baby brother? " I asked as both smiled at me.

"Momma, we are having a baby brother." Jesse told and I look at Dominick, he gently look at me and I was overwhelmed by this, I smiled gently at our two girls looking at us.

"Why don't we get this blanket." Dominick explained and I smiled as we walked further, Jesse and Billie ran along, as my hand flew to my growing womb.

"Amanda?" He asked holding me and I look up at him.

"Could they be right?" I asked as he smiled, sometimes kids can feel and see things, grownups can't.

"What if, it isn't a boy?" I asked knowing I must explained to them.

"Manda, let's think about the fact that it's a few months away. Then we will know." He told and I nodded smiling at him as I saw the girls picked the Mayo on the shelf, both Dominick and I laughed as we walked back to the car after paying.

The whole ride back, all I could think was. Do they want a brother so bad or are they actually telling the truth, Jesse is almost 8, Billie is just 5 almost. Do they know something we don't.

We stopped at the house, as Jesse and Billie ran in, Dominick stopped me and held me tight, I immediately felt tears escape my eyes.

"I'm scared Dominick." I cried as he held me tide and kissed my forehead.

"What if they right?" I asked as he smiled at me.

"Would you be disappointed?" He asked gently and I smiled at him.

"No, I don't care, as long this baby is healthy and save, I always wanted a boy as well. Just..." I replied and stopped looking up at him.

"Just?" He asked softly

"Just overwhelmed by this." I told and he smiled nodding and placed his hands on my stomach and smiled. 

"Dominick?" I asked as he look down at me and smiled.

"I can't wait for this little one to arrive." He told and I nodded smiling. 

We walked in and I smiled taking his hand.

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