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Meiyo POV

What feels like an eternity later, we finally stand amidst the hustle and bustle on the large entrance plaza in the park. The sun shines down hotly from the cloudless sky, and the sound of cheerful music and the laughter of visitors fills the air.
Emma has obtained park tickets for us at the ticket office and presses one into each of our hands. She happily discusses with Kenny and Mikey where she wants to go first, while I could care less, strictly speaking.
"Okay guys, before we head out, you two go get us girls something to drink. Meanwhile, Meiyo and I will decide where to go first," Emma suddenly announces. At that, she grabs my arm firmly and hooks onto me. With a casual gesture of her hand, she signals that they should be on their way.

Kenny accepts it without argument, while Mikey grumbles that he's not up for it. "Don't cry princess," my brother retorts, grabbing Mikey by the shoulders to lead him through the crowd of people at the park. When they are out of sight, Emma turns to me with a questioning and pleading look.
"Now that they're gone, I have a favor to ask of you, Meiyo!" she begins softly. Just hearing those words, I feel a tinge of unease spread through me. But I know I won't get around it anyway, so I ask in a hushed voice, "What do I have to do?"

Emma laughs shyly and I notice a slight blush spreading across her cheeks. "We'll walk through the park together for about two hours," she begins. Then she takes my hands in hers and squeezes them tightly, continuing, "And then please get out of here with Mikey! I want to be alone with Draken. Originally, this was supposed to be just a date between him and me! But if Mikey found out I was coming here without him, he would have whined for weeks. Besides, it's a challenge to separate these two complete idiots without a good excuse! I wanted to spare myself all this, so I forced all of you to come, including them!"

After she stops babbling, I sigh heavily and avert my gaze from her. A slight smile is on my lips as I finally shake my head and reply, "Kenny will never leave me alone with him. He's way too obsessed with making sure Mikey can't even look at me without freaking out and wanting to bash his head in. He certainly won't leave me alone with him there."
Emma laughs again, and her grin begins to spread across her face. "Let that, my worry, be, I'll make him do it. He listens to me and what I say. I even talked him into allowing Mikey to go to camp with you. That's how much influence I have," she says with a proud grin. "So please, please, Mei, do me this favor!" she continues to plead.

The longer I look at her pleading gaze, the less I can resist. Finally, in a low voice, I give in and say, "Okay." Joyfully, she jumps into my arms and laughs happily.
Although I feel a little uncomfortable about the whole thing, how could I have resisted her?
Shortly after, the two guys return with drinks in hand.

We first make our way to one of the park's most famous roller coasters. We join the seemingly endless queue.
While we wait and make slow progress, I can't help but glance at my brother and Emma. They are licking each other as if they are in their own world, completely oblivious to their surroundings. It's as if they've forgotten that we're not alone. Hundreds of people, including Mikey and me, are standing around watching them.

I take a look at the people in line around us and notice how they regard the two with curious glances. Some clearly show their annoyance, while others smile in amusement. The looks of the others make me feel even more strongly how frustrating it is to watch them touching and even kissing each other. A feeling of disgust and anger rises in me as I watch my brother and Emma, accompanied by frustration, hurt, and maybe even a hint of jealousy.
My gaze inevitably wanders to Mikey, who has been watching me all along. His eyes search mine, and I see a deep longing in them. It's as if he's trying to tell me that he longs for the exact same moment.
Although we haven't kissed much before, I now feel a strong desire for it that almost overwhelms me. The roller coaster becomes a minor matter, as my thoughts circle only around Mikey - his lips, his touch.

Suddenly Mikey breaks the silence, and his voice sounds displeased as he announces, "Dude, that's enough. I don't need to watch my sister and my best friend eat each other."
He yanks Emma out of my brother's arms and then comes to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders as he speaks with a hint of defiance in his voice, "Or should I do the same to your sweet sister? Then you're welcome to continue, because then I'll have something else to focus on instead of watching you do it." A mischievous grin spreads across Mikey's face as my brother's contorts in anger.
He grabs Mikey by the collar, his eyes squeezed into narrow slits, and his face is etched with a mixture of anger and contempt. He snarls angrily, "Keep your fucking hands off her!"

Mikey's grin doesn't recede, however, but grows even wider. With a provocative tone he says: "Why not? It would only be fair: you sleep with my sister and I with yours. In my eyes, that's more than fair."
The contempt in Mikey's voice is clear. My brother clenches his fists in anger, and his eyes sparkle with rage. His voice is drenched in contempt and derision. My brother clenches his fists in anger, his knuckles turning white as he possibly suppresses the urge to punch Mikey in the fist.
"If you give a single thought to imagining her in that position, I will gouge your eyes out with my own hands," my brother continues to growl as the smirk on Mikey's face continues, challenging him further.
Suddenly, Emma steps in to calm the situation. Her voice sounds annoyed and with a hint of exasperation as she says, "My goodness, you are so childish! You both stop it right now." She tugs on Kenny to pull him away from Mikey and stop what is happening.

The endless queue snakes through the maze of barriers and crowds. The heat of the sun burns down mercilessly on our heads, causing beads of sweat to form on our bodies. And the annoying melody booming from the loudspeakers repeats itself incessantly.
The mood between Kenny and Mikey is tense, and they no longer speak to each other and avoid looking at each other. The closer we get to the end of the queue, the more my stomach tightens with excitement. My hands get clammy, and I can feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety spreading through me. A slight tremor grips my knees when we finally reach the head of the queue and board the roller coaster.

A cold shiver runs down my spine as I let my gaze wander over the steel structure of the train. The seats are close together and I can feel my breathing becoming shallower. A tinge of nervousness runs through my body, as I don't know if I'm going to enjoy the ride or perhaps even regret it.
At that moment, Mikey reaches for my hand and winks at me. A breath of relief spreads through me as I feel his warm touch. Luckily, Kenny and Emma don't notice because I refused to sit up front. There's no way I want to see myself plummet from the highest point of the track. That would be too much for me, I know that very well.

The roller coaster employees check all the seat belts once again and close the straps tightly around our bodies. The metallic click of the latches echoes in my ears and intensifies my adrenaline. The tension in the air is palpable as we slowly begin to move. There's a soft rattling accompanied by a gentle vibration of the ground beneath our feet as it opens up in front of us, literally suspending us in mid-air.
"Relax, sweetie. Nothing's going to happen," he tries to encourage me as he squeezes my hand gently. Hesitantly, I nod, and in the next moment we are hurled towards the sky at an incredible speed.

The ride only lasts about two minutes, but for that brief moment it feels like my heart stops. The breakneck speed, the wild movements and the feeling of being upside down while looping make my pulse race and my heart pound against my ribs. The wind whips me in the face with full force as I send my scream into the air and am swallowed up by the speed.
And then, faster than expected, we reach our destination again and get off the train. Almost in a panic, I literally rush out of the track and cling to the nearest railing. Mikey, who has already started laughing at me from the beginning, comes up to me laughing and pats me on the back. My heart is still racing, and my legs are so wobbly that I'm afraid I'll fall at any moment if I don't hold onto the railing.
"Never in my life will I get into one of those things again!", I almost whine as we stand together again in front of the exit. Of course, the others can't help themselves and laugh at me.

The fact that the ride only lasted about two minutes while we stood in line for over half an hour makes me shake my head. And it's not only like this at this attraction, but also at the other rides - endless waiting times for just a few minutes of fun. Time passes, and finally we meet Keikei and Chifuyu, who have actually come. Hina and her boyfriend canceled at short notice, but Emma won't tell us the exact reason. Instead, a mischievous grin graces her lips that speaks volumes.

Right now, we've been standing in the endless line of a simple water ride for over an hour. After the ride, my already slightly see-through dress is completely soaked and sticks to my body. The water makes my dress even more transparent, because now you can see every detail of my body through the fabric. My black underwear becomes particularly visible, which makes me extremely uncomfortable.
As we walk along the exit of the water slide, Emma's voice suddenly breaks the silence: "I'm going to disappear now with my boyfriend and enjoy myself. I'll see you later, okay?" Before anyone even has a chance to answer, the two of them have already disappeared off the face of the earth.

No sooner have Emma and my brother disappeared from our sight than Kei begins to speak, "Chifuyu and I will also disappear, leaving you lovebirds alone." He's already making moves to leave, but I hold onto his arm and pull him aside, away from the other two.

"Kei," I begin, looking him straight in the eye. "Why have you been avoiding me since camp? What's wrong?"

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