School Day Frights

Start from the beginning

Luz: We're okay.

She did not even hesitate about it. Luz can really forgive easily. Slowly, I returned the gesture, nodding.

Madelene: Yeah. Shall we go home? Yance, up.

I hesitantly cajoled her home with Yance in tow, perching on my head. It's... not an easy fix like turning a page in a book. We addressed that we did each other dirty, implied it quite so. And I am not an idiot to hope that it will fix the issue right away. But it was so worth it, when I pulled her by my side and Luz gave me a squeeze of her own.

The damage was there, in the hesitance, at the pauses. Luz managed to drape her cot next to mine before I took courage and cuddled her that night.

Well, I tried to anyway.

I didn't expect to wake up wrapped like a gift, with three pairs of unnerving yellow eyes staring at me like a snack.

Madelene: ..... I should've thought of adding 'appropriate' to the time and place...

Amity: Yes, you should have.

When she went back home, it was within the realm of a subconscious action. She walked in the pace of a tooth fairy with a stomach ache, and a huge boulder on her back with the revelation that she had.

She has all the emotions tying her tongue. So willing to wag her questions, but laying completely frozen as Madelene's expression turns to discomfort.

She's the same in that regard.

The day is packed with Madelene and Luz's tension, resolved by stating their own guilt and regrets. Amity left them to not eavesdrop on their conversation, only to hear something that opens another can of worms on her side.

What will you say at that moment? What will anyone say, for that matter. Like a sledgehammer, Amity's world came screeching into a halt, echoing the word 'sisters'- enabling her to think straight.

She doesn't have any experience at the situation and so, proposes to let the day end to be Luz and Madelene's, instead of Amity and Madelene's.

It angers her so, when she stumbled into her bed, the unfortunate timing for her to know the truth.

She still felt numb, and partly happy... but overall overwhelmed.

She doesn't have the concrete questions to utter, merely garbled mess of words to piece together.

When did Madelene realize?

Why did she leave?

How did she disappear?

Why did Madelene hide it from them?

What made her leave?

Grumbling at the repetitive inquiry, Amity shoved herself away from the bed, promptly opening her balcony to see the night sky above. She's not patient, and she doubts that she can sleep with a clear conscience. She needs answers pronto, lest she explode. Midnight be damn.

Caught in the attic, with a rope and an orb in hand, two pairs of glinting yellow eyes asked her at the entrance.


The twins more often than not go within the flow of things outside their broken manor. To have two perfect edges for deception, one for the parents who asked for achievements, and for the public to see them as the perfections of Blight- they spent hours and hours looking into the mirror,perfecting their craft.. But with all the smiles and jokes and annoyance, lay an empty spot that remains unfilled. Their hands are always between each other, expecting someone younger to hold. Amity would have thought it was just them being synchronized and attuned to her needs when she was little. She recently realized that it's not her they were expecting. The twins hold their hands to the shadow of their sister; someone Amity has not remembered having until recently.

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