The airport.

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I finally made it to the airport after a semi-long car ride. I was so happy to be going away from my family, no more drama and picking fights with me every day and every moment. I'm going to be far far away from my family and I'm not even mad about it. 

Now, don't get me wrong I love my family and all, but I just can't stand to be in that hell whole of a house they call home. 

"Alright, now all I need to do is call aunt Rue and ask her for my booking information."

As I call my aunt, she quicky answers.

"Hi! Ivy? Are you at the airport safe? Do you need me to text you your booking ticket information right now?" She says kind of in a hurry.

She really does always ask many questions in once, but I don't care, I like that about her.

I quickly reply to all of her questions, "Hello yes aunt Rue? It's me Ivy. I just made it to the airport safe! Can you send me the booking information please?"

After talking and discussing how I was going to get on the plane the call had later ended. I take all of my bags out of the car and start walking towards the airport. 

"Woah, its huge in here. I do not remember being here." 

It's been 10 years since I've been at an airport. The last time I had to get on one was when me, my mother, and sister had to run away from my mother's abusive ex-boyfriend. He was pretty scary. We were living in L.A. at the time, and it was going good for the most part but then he just had an outburst. It was terrifying and I never want to relive that. In the end it all worked out though, since we moved from L.A. to Florida my mother met a new man that became my stepdad. 

I just call my stepdad dad because that's what it feels like he is to me. He treats me like his real daughter, although that stopped as I got older. I was like his only princess and then I got older and just like that I was forgotten. Whatever though, this is my chance to a new life. I can't mess this one up.

I walk to the front entrance to get meted by security. I put my bags through the check-in to make sure I can ride the plane with no issues. Everything goes accordingly and I was able to get my bags back with no problems. I then head over to the lady in the front desk to give her my boarding ticket.

"Hi! I have a ticket booked for the next flight for Germany" I say, smiling at the pretty blond woman. 

"Okay! can I just see the information of the ticket and you will be free to head on over there to wait for the flight to arrive!" The lady said back smiling. 

I pull out my phone to go to me and aunt Rue's messages to see the ticket information. She sent me it just at the right time. I turn my phone over to the lady and she scans the ticket. 

"Alright! You're free to go over there and we will say on the loudspeaker when the plane is taking off!"

"Great! Thank you so much!" I said back to the lady.

Yes, finally I'm finally on my way out of here. I cannot wait to meet new people over in Germany and see my aunt. Oh, that reminds me! I'm so glad I took a German class not too long ago, so I know some phrases and sentences. 

"Next plane to Germany over at line 6, taking off now." The loudspeaker spoke.

"Yayy!!" I said in excitement. I hurry over to line 6 to give the man my ticket and get on the plane.

I walk down the aisle of the plane and enter the plane to go over to my seat. 27B. 

I sit down in my seat and let out a relieved sigh. I quickly close my eyes to take a quick nap. I've been up for a while now. 

"Freedom at last." I sighed.

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