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11:00 a.m.

Yang yawned, fogging the Bullhead's window with his breath, the same breath that was currently carrying them over the emerald forest.

Unfortunately boredom was killing her so she turned her gaze to her sister, who was inspecting Crescent Rose with enough care and detail to keep herself entertained.

'Je a classic' The blonde thought with amusement.

"Ruby what was our mission today?" Yang asked trying to remember where they were flying, obviously that was it and not her trying anything for fun.

His younger sister, and team leader, stopped inspecting her weapon to take out her scroll and after some searching she found the information she wanted.

Ruby cleared her throat "Today's mission is cleaning up sector 4, a horde of Grimm has been seen in the area, made up of Beowolfs and some Ursas, which presents the possibility of creating an Alpha" She replied.

"Then it will be a piece of cake, I honestly expected something more difficult" Expressed Yang lying on the seats as if it were a bed.

Weiss, who was inspecting her powder ammunition, decided to lower the blonde from the cloud. "Yang, the fact that it doesn't seem difficult is no reason to be confident, the Grimm are unpredictable," she said, being the voice of common sense.

but that's boring

Diverting his attention to the white-haired girl, Yang took out a piece of paper from his pocket which he crumpled into a ball.

"Boo killjoy!" I yell throwing the piece of paper at him.

Flying into the air and hitting him right in the forehead.

"10 points!".

"Ungh," Weiss groaned at the impact, narrowing her eyes in an annoyed expression. "Your childish blonde," she muttered under her breath.

Given the answer, he decided to continue puncturing the balloon "Wow, it seems that the ice queen can freeze" Yang joked with an amused look.

"Please don't you two start" Blake asked, reading his book with a sigh. "I'd like to read without worrying about a piece of paper flying in my face." I continue trying to follow her reading.

"Aaaa you two are boring" exclaimed the blonde before turning her attention to her sister "Ruby what if- ".

The emergency lights interrupted her by coming on and bathing everyone in a clear red light. And they all knew what it meant.

" Approaching the designated landing zone, RWBY team get ready" The pilot spoke over the speakers.

"OR IF IT WAS ABOUT TIME BABY!" Yang yelled in ecstasy displaying Amber Celica.

The four first-year members walked to the door of their transport with their weapons loaded and ready for the task at hand.

"What is the strategy of using Ruby today?" Weiss asked his leader who turned to look at his team.

"How about we try the one line defense tactic Professor Goodwitch taught us today?" He suggested "Weiss can create a kill zone using your glyphs, Yang and Blake can finish off those who survived the zone, and I can kill them." I'll cover with sniper support," he offered.

Yang gave a thumbs up. "Sounds good to me."

"I suppose we could put it into practice," Weiss acknowledged with her arms crossed.

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