Chapter 19 - The Funeral

Start from the beginning

Hiro was shocked by the amount of information provided by Arthur. "Arthur is incredible! Now we just need to figure out what this 13th sign is!" he exclaimed, impressed.

Hikari responded with a more serious tone and look, "I will force Aphrodite to talk! Let's take care of King's funeral first, and then we'll head directly to her."

Ace agreed, wagging his tails in support, and Hiro asked, "Alright! And where shall we hold his funeral?"

Hikari replied determinedly, "In the magical forest of the Elf Kingdom! Follow me!"

After Hiro and Hikari packed their things, they set off into a nearby forest still during the night. Hikari said, "Alright, now we just need to find an oak tree."

Hiro asked, confused, "An oak tree?"

Hikari explained, "Yes, it's a type of tree. If we find one and follow my instructions, we'll gain access to the magical forest."

Ace started barking excitedly at a trunk and then exclaimed, "I found it!" wagging his tails.

Hikari crouched down to pet Ace and said, "Well done, Ace!" His tails wagged even more happily.

As Hiro watched the scene, he blushed and looked away. Hikari continued, explaining the ritual, "Now, we have to close our eyes, stand close together, and spin three times clockwise, then five times counterclockwise, and to finish, three more times clockwise. Understand?"

Hiro started scratching his head, still confused, and said, "Not really..."

Hikari grabbed Hiro's hand and said, "Just trust me."

Hiro swallowed hard and said, "Alright.."

They began to perform the ritual with their eyes closed, and as they proceeded, Hiro started feeling the atmosphere around him changing. Hikari said, with a serious tone, "Whatever you do, don't open your eyes." Respecting Hikari's request, Hiro kept his eyes tightly shut until the ritual was completed.

Finally, Hikari said, "You can open them now." With some apprehension, Hiro slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with a breathtaking sight. The forest before them seemed to come alive, with tall and majestic trees, shimmering foliage, and magical creatures moving through the rays of light filtering through the branches.

Hikari smiled and said, "Welcome to the Magical Forest of the Elf Kingdom. King loved this place; I'm sure he would be happy to rest here." The group then followed Hikari deeper into the forest.

"Let's bury him here," said Hikari with a trembling voice.

"Why here?" Hiro asked.

Ace remained silent, as he could feel Hikari's special connection to that place. With tears in her eyes, Hikari replied, "This is where I found King for the first time... He was so small then... Can you believe it? He didn't even speak our language, but on that day when I found him, it seemed like he was asking for help. So, I took him with me, even though my parents didn't allow pets at home. I hid him and started taking care of him. When he finally recovered, he jumped with joy, running from one shoulder to the other. That's when he jumped on the table and extended his little hand to me... I realized he wanted to form a bond with me, so I extended my hand, and we formed a bond. That's when he started talking... He thanked me and said that his life now had a purpose: to protect me, even if it cost his own life. Ironical, isn't it? And his name came from that, he seemed so determined to protect me like a king protects his kingdom. So, I named him King," as Hikari finished telling her story with King, she broke down in tears.

Hiro ran to Hikari and hugged her tightly, saying, "I'm here... King would be proud of who you are."

Ace joined Hikari, also offering his support. The group remained silent, sharing the moment of sadness and longing, honoring the memory of their beloved companion who had passed away. Finally, Hikari wiped her tears and looked at the spot where King would be buried, with a comforting smile on her lips.

"We will hold a special ceremony for King. He deserves to be remembered with love and gratitude for everything he did for us," said Hikari, and the others agreed, ready to honor the memory of the brave companion who had always protected and loved their kingdom until his last days.

Hiro dug a hole there, using his hands, and Hikari placed King, who now rested in an ice coffin, inside. Hiro had the idea of leaving some final words before they covered the grave, and Hikari and Ace thought it was a good idea.

Hiro began, "King, despite the short time we had together, I cared deeply for you. I saw you as a younger brother; we had our little fights, but in the end, I know we were there for each other... Wherever you are, look after us, and I promise I won't let anyone harm Hikari. I'll protect your legacy!"

Ace was next, as he approached the grave, he said, "King, I considered you one of the pack. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I love you, brother... Until we meet again..."

Hikari followed, overflowing with tears, and said, "King, no... I have no words for this moment... When you left, it was as if a part of me went with you... I still hope that all of this is a lie... King, to me, you'll never die because I'll never forget you! Thank you... for everything you did for me... If I am who I am today, it's because of you... Forever yours, King..."

With the grave covered, Hiro called Ace to go with him to gather some firewood to make a bonfire. He wanted to leave Hikari alone with King, allowing her to have an intimate moment to bid farewell to their dear friend and companion, now resting in that magical forest. As the bonfire illuminated the starry night, Hikari remained by King's tomb, honoring his memory and feeling the presence of her beloved friend in her heart.

Upon their return, Hiro quietly lit a fire with the firewood he had gathered and leaned against a nearby tree, exhausted from the journey and emotionally shaken by the loss of King. Ace settled next to him, while Hikari, still with tears in her eyes, chose to remain by the grave where her dear friend rested.

Before falling asleep, Hiro stood up silently and, with a heart full of compassion, covered Hikari with his cloak, ensuring she was protected and comfortable on that painful night. Feeling grateful for their friendship and the strength they shared, he returned to his place by the tree and also gave in to rest.

The bonfire illuminated the clearing, creating a comforting atmosphere as the starry night silently observed those brave and loyal hearts. The pain of loss was present, but so was the determination to honor King's memory and move forward in search of answers and justice.

Will they find the answers they need in the Elf Kingdom?

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