🧸 Chapter One

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Tuesday 6:30

Olivia and Lauren are sitting at their dining table with their laptop in front of them getting ready to FaceTime with Elena. Tonight is the night they're going to ask Elena to meet in person for the first time, they have everything planned if she agrees.

Earlier that day they texted Elena and asked her if she can be a big girl for them tonight and have a chat while they were FaceTiming, she texted them back saying she will.

Elena was nervous, she had no idea what the conversation was going to be about, her mind was spiraling with thoughts about what they wanted to talk about with her. Before she could think too much about it she went to settle herself in her bed with her laptop set up in front of her.

Lauren and Olivia sent presents to her for Christmas the year before and the laptop was one of them, they wanted to spoil Elena with so much stuff but it was hard considering their relationship was long distance.

Lauren's number pops up on the computer screen, Elena waits a couple of seconds before answering.

Elena's POV

After a couple of rings, I answer the call, I smile seeing Lauren and Olivia's faces come onto the screen. "Hi," I basically scream with a wide smile on my face, calling and FaceTiming them has to be one of my favorite things right now.

"Hi, baby," they both say together with smiles on their faces as well.
"Inside voices, hun," Lauren says through the screen. I feel my cheeks redden and try to hide my face by looking down. Liv's voice interrupts the second of silence, "How was your day?"

"It was good, nothing much really happened, except there was a lady who argued with Marcus, the manager, and me, she threw her drink at him but missed," I say while full-on belly laughing. The lady got mad for no reason, I accidentally spelled her name wrong and she told him the get employees that know how to spell. I stood there the whole time and an amusing smile on my face, the lady honestly made a fool of herself.

"Why did she argue with you?" Laur breaks me out of my thoughts, "I spelled her name wrong," They look at each other with confused faces and then look back at me. "I know, How was your guy's day?" I say with a knowing look before they can say something.

Liv answers me first, "It was good, not much happened but I finished some writing." She looks at Laur to speak next.

"Mine was good as well,"


We continue to talk for a while until Liv brings up what they wanted to talk to me about, "Shall we talk about what Laur and I wanted to talk about with you?" She questions then looks at Lauren before turning to look back at me.

I'm a bit nervous about what they want to talk about, I start to subconsciously pinch the back of my palm. "Elena, there's nothing to worry about, we just have a question for you and I think it's something you'll be excited about."

I furrow my brows for a second and stop pinching the back of my palm, now I'm excited but I'll hold it in until they say what it is. "Okay, what's the question?" I say with excitement.

They look at each other for a second with smiles on their faces, "would you like to meet in person?"

They were hopeful that you were going to say yes, you have bugged them a couple of times asking when you can meet them in person.

Closer Together | age regression  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon