Two of a kind

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It has now been more than two weeks since Xiao has been teaching Ayaka on the piano. Of course, Zhongli was there to monitor and help here and there but Ayaka always found it difficult to pretend she was not out for blood. As of now, Xiao was late for this lesson.

" He's late!" Ayaka yelled out in frustration, hitting the keys in the process.

She was tired of waiting around for him. She also can't stop thinking about his advice before these lessons. She understands that he was trying to help but it was just so hard keeping up, though she didn't want to admit it. There was only one reason she was willing to do this.

"Stop hitting the keys, he's not going to show up," said looking outside a window.


" Yeah he sent me a message"

" You tell me this now? And you're okay with this Mr Zhongli?! He's being irresponsible.." She said overwhelmed.

" He'll get his, I'm curious though as to why you're always so eager to sell him out" He replied, looking towards Ayaka.

Ayaka instantly changed her act, " Huh no! I-I wasn't selling him out I just appreciate our time here so much.."

She put her hands together trying to keep up an act to make her words ring true but to avail as Zhongli only gave her a look of disbelief.

" Look kid, I don't know what game you're running but if you ever try doing anything, to try and dig over Xiao. They're not going to find your body."

Ayaka gave up her act looking down a bit ashamed of herself.

" Wow, I guess you must care for Xiao quite a lot huh?"

Zhongli smiled a bit softly, " I guess I'm kind of like his backup parent."

" How come...How come you're even bothering me as a student?"

Zhongli looked at her before looking down at his cup of tea. " Because I thought it might give something to Xiao. Something more than all his sorrows."

" Are you sure you can trust the enemy?" Ayaka asked out of the blue.

Zhongli chuckled, " Enemy? Is that what you are to him? I see two musicians who are walking the same path."

Ayaka looked down at the piano thinking a little about everything. She heard Qiqi run into the room and closer to Zhongli. She could hear paper fumbling around. Maybe Qiqi had drawn something for Zhongli. She doesn't know.

"Oh wow, That's beautiful Qiqi, why don't you show Ayaka?"

Qiqi nodded and Ayaka looked up. She held a drawing of what looked like Xiao and her together playing the piano as Zhongli and Qiqi helped. She smiled softly. She knows it's better to be a lot nicer and patient towards Xiao. But she's so focused on getting her brother's attention. She thinks, ' Maybe if I'm able to defeat his rival, he'll start spending some time with me. Maybe he won't be too harsh on himself, perhaps he could go back to the way he was before.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by Zhongli's sudden voice.

" Xiao, he's had his fill of tears. Let him smile on life and music alike."
Xiao was walking out of school, he pulled out his cell phone checking the time. He still had some time to visit Albedo in the hospital. He remembered their last night's call and how he wanted some caneles.

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