Chapter 3

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WWE Wrestlers, Liv Morgan and Aurora Thorne were reportedly spotted at King Hotel's gym having what seemed like a VERY heated argument. Could there be bad blood between these wrestlers? Or was it just some miscommunication?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Because of Liv and I's argument, WE ARE NEW FEATURED ON TMZ NEWS?! And I have an interview with them today. I rubbed my face, not getting any sleep last night and surviving on coffee. How the hell am I gonna survive the interview? All it is going to be is "Are you and Liv enemies? When did the bad blood start?" And interviews were draining, but this one... I can't even begin to explain how draining this one would be.

Knock knock knock

I got up and headed to my door and opened it.

"Thea?" "I told you guys to try and get along!" I scoffed as she made her way inside my room.

"So you heard." Thea gives me the look and I scratch my head. "Yeah, I heard," Thea says and sits down. "What happened to get along?" Thea asks as I start to get ready for my interview. "She yelled at me!" I say trying to defend myself, knowing I started it. Thea starts lecturing me and I try to listen.

"I told you to try and get along with her," "And I don't want to get along with her!" I say, putting on my lipstick. "She's a bitch!" "That's my friend." I roll my eyes and check to see if I am good enough to go. "I am sorry, but I have to go," I tell Thea and before I leave, she yells. "Try to get along with her!" "Okay, Mom!" I say with sarcasm and leave.


"Hello, Aurora!" The interviewer, Michelle said, called me by my ring name. I nodded and waved a little. "Well, we are about to get started so just relax." She says and I nod again, not knowing what to say. Interviews made me anxious.  Most of the time they would ask me about my personal life which I wasn't comfortable with, but they didn't care.

Michelle signals that we are starting and I nod. "So, Aurora," She starts. "Yesterday, a video got out of you and Liv arguing. The argument seemed to be strange since you both had a match just last Friday. Anything to say?" I bit my tongue and tried my best not to roll my eyes.

"It was just a silly little argument. I was being childish, she was definitely being childish." I say, throwing some shade at Liv, hoping they didn't notice. "It was just an argument," I say.

Michelle nods and then asks me another question. "So how did everyone feel about this, how did your significant other feel about this." I sighed and tried not to roll my eyes. "I believe you would have known if I had a significant other, but I don't. And I don't talk to really anyone." I shrugged my shoulders as the interviewer kept asking me more questions.


I sighed and checked my schedule as I walked toward the entrance of the airport. We had a live show in Toronto, Canada. I liked Canada, it was nice there from my experience. A couple of fans had asked me for my autograph already and thankfully didn't ask about the Liv situation.

Speaking of the Liv situation, I haven't spoken to her since that day, so that's amazing. My flight was in about an hour so I didn't have to wait long until we started boarding.

I popped some gum into my mouth as I finished signing fans' autographs. All of them were nice, thankfully I didn't have to encounter the weird ones. I loved my fans dearly but some of them could be a little... Weird. I saw some of the other wrestlers here but I just kept my head down and waited for my flight. I only talked to Thea and even though I didn't want to, Liv. I was feeling sluggish due to lack of sleep but I pushed through and boarded the plane. 

It was quiet at first, everyone getting to their seats and thankfully there were zero babies on the plane. I got a window seat, that's good.

After a little bit, I was listening to some music, trying to be peaceful and mind my own business, and someone sat next to me.

They looked familiar. Black hair with pink and white strands. She had a black top on with some grey sweatpants. She just looks so familiar.
"Hey, your Y/N right?" She asks and I nod. "We didn't get off at the right start, I'm Dakota." She tells me and offers a handshake which I reluctantly accept.

"Yeah, last time I saw was when I saw you and Liv-" "Don't mention it." She nods and I remember the horrendous incident of Liv falling on top of me.

"Yeah just sorry to walk in on you guys, didn't know Liv had a girlfriend." I start coughing and Dakota looks at me weirdly. "What?" I ask her. "I didn't know Liv had a girlfriend," Dakota repeated and I had heard enough. "Liv and I are not dating, Liv and I are not friends," I tell Dakota. "She will never be my girlfriend or my friend." "I get it, just thought." Dakota cut me off.

I nodded and She did too. Everyone was seated and the plane was about to take off. I put my headphones back on as Dakota started reading something. But Dakota's words ran through my mind. She thought that Liv and I were dating. How?! I hate her with all of my guts and she is the worst! The plane slowly took off and I continued to stare out the window and listen to music.

Liv and I would never ever date, at all.


I got off the plane and Dakota was right by me. We started talking and she was a pretty chill person. She and I were walking toward the exit of the airport when I got pushed and almost fell.

"Hey, Dakota." And here comes Satan herself. "Hi, Liv!" Dakota said and hugged her.

"Oh, and hi... Aurora." Liv said and looked me up and down. "Hey, Satan," I said calmly. "Satan? That's a really good nickname for you, however, I'm an angel." Liv said and I coughed. "More like a bitch." I whispered.

"A bitch?" Liv asked but Dakota interfered. "So, how are you guys?" Liv and I looked at her before answering. "Terrible, now that she's here." We said at the same time. I rolled my eyes while Dakota sighed. "Alright, I have to use the bathroom. Please, try not to kill each other." Dakota begged. Liv and I looked at each other and then back at Dakota. We said nothing as Dakota jogged to the bathroom.

I glanced at Liv before heading toward the exit. "Where are you going?" Liv asked with a confused look. "I'm leaving." I said. "Yay." Liv whispered and smiled. I turned around and looked at her. It was like an instinct. Whenever I tried turning away, I couldn't. 

"I know I'm pretty, but you need to go." Liv says and I roll my eyes. "You're pretty fucking ugly." I say and rush out of the airport. 

What the hell was that about? Liv's saying, "I know I'm pretty!" I mocked angrily and rushed toward my car. The sleep deprivation was starting and I groaned. Just make it to the hotel, you'll be fine. 

I sluggishly started driving to the hotel and it was a pretty short ride. Made it their fast. I exited my car and yawned. I walked into the hotel, slowly.

"Hi, can I book a room?" I asked and she nodded her head, then she gave me the room key. "Room 228, have a nice day ma'am." She said and nodded her head as I did the same, slowly walking to the elevator.


I stood in front of my door silently. I was tired, no, exhausted. My head kept repeating all the possible outcomes of the upcoming match. Would I get hurt? Would I mess up? What would happen if I botched all of my moves? 

"Someone's in deep thought." 

Oh hell no.

I know I haven't been updating in a while, I have been REALLY busy and I apologize. Since it is the weekend, I will be uploading more. I am deeply sorry and I hope you guys enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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