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( this chapter can be triggering too
some so if you get triggered
easily i suggest not too read )

march 14th 2024
( huge ass time jump!! )

"ARIANA THATS a lot of pancakes" my dad said as i had a mouth full of pancakes in my mouth "damn fat ass" said tyler laughing making me laugh as chanel side eyed me
"so my ass is getting bigger?" I said smiling

"trey the baby needs attention more than Ariana" Said Chanel oh yea chanel had her baby he's really cute yea it's a boy

( i was so ready too get that baby out of her )

"nigga we hardly see our damn dad because of you hell the baby hardly be doing this shit" Said Tyler getting up from the table

and notti has literally been avoiding me to be honest i mean we talk but he's been distant
i mean we text and talk but it's like he doesn't like too talk like that so i think he's cheating

there is no other explanation for this reason i mean none "Ariana i wanna talk too you about something" Said Chanel making me walk with her "make it quick i have too get too school Aiden's gonna drop me off" I said walking outside with chanel with a smile on my face

"why are you so smiley?" Asked Chanel as i laughed "i'm gonna see my boyfriend today" I said smiling "he hasn't been talking too you i think he's cheating" Said Chanel making me lowkey mug her cause she's making my insecurities worst

"i mean your kinda getting fat and he's gonna be around pretty smaller girls" Said Chanel

i froze because what if she's right i lowkey got out of my thoughts when i heard a car beep

"ARIANA MEEKS GET YOUR FAT ASS IN THE CAR!!" yelled Audrey i never took being called fat seriously i mean i eat a lot

"Arianaaaaa girl i missed you so much" Said Audrey smiling and hugging me "hey Ariana i like your outfit" Said Aiden smirking as i rolled my eyes our friendship started off as us being enemies now we're best fucking friends

"bro you and notti going too the school dance" Asked Aiden as i sighed i been lowkey thinking what if he is cheating im so gonna find out today because the school's decided too do some volleyball game for fun i don't even know how too explain it like honestly i can't explain it

"uhm aiden can i wear one of your hoodies?" I asked i was lowkey desperate too hide my body from everyone "hell no" Said Aiden making me roll my eyes "actually i have one of notti's hoodies in my locker" I said smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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