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ARIANA POVseptember 1st 2023

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september 1st 2023

I WALKED into school with my head up high as hell cause today is my first volleyball game of the year this season i'm gonna do amazing i just know plus i have a boyfriend the guy every girl at his wants but can't have cause well

that's my man officially

"hey baby" Said Prince as he wrapped his arm around my waist but i moved it which made Jacob nd prince mug me "why you do that ma" He Said while Jacob giggled "i have a boyfriend prince i need you too respect the boundaries!" I said laughing "bro fuck your boyfriend" Said prince making Jacob laughing at prince

"prince my boyfriend isn't someone you wanna mess with" I said looking at him as he rolled his eyes "anyways baby why you ain't call me this summer is it cause of what i said about Andrew it was a joke" He said as Jacob nodded

"a disrespectful joke" I said while Jacob nd him laughed "man you gonna come too my football game next week" Said Prince "for my boyfriend" I said smiling as he rolled his eyes

"wait Ariana Meeks your dating one of them??" Said Prince laughing "she's dating a hood rat??" Said Jacob "Jacob i know you aren't talking wanna be black boy" I said making him stop laughing "whatever" Said Jacob

"anyways i have too a class too get too" I said walking "baby we have the same class" Said Prince as Jacob nodded as we walked into first period i walked over too my friend group's table "y'all my wifey is here" Said Audrey

as she wrapped her arm around me my first period was science prince nd jacob pulled up a chair from another table and put it at ours "where tf is my chair "said some random kid

"hey prince" Said Jodie nd Alabama at the same time they had a thing for this guy for some odd reason "you look so good" Said Jodie smirking while Alabama side eyed her

"ariana baby why you keep playing" Said Prince looking at me "i have a boyfriend prince" I said opening my science note book

"ariana why you so focused on this lame school shit" Said Prince "cause she's a total nerd" Said Alabama laughing "you realize nerds are always more successful than the popular kids?" I said smiling as Jodie nd Audrey laughed

"she gagged the fuck outta you" Said Audrey "did her big one" Said Jacob "shut up white boy" Said Alabama as she glared at me

"i miss my man" I said while Prince smiled "i'm right here" Said Prince "no your not my man!!" I said making Alabama look at me "ariana come here" Said Alabama as i side eyed her

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