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JUNE 14th 2023

ITS BEEN a week since i sneaked out no one even realized i was gone too so i started sneaking out with ethan everyday yea he letting
me call him ethan now he said i'm the only girl he ever let him call ethan so that made me feel


honestly i think my father has been too busy with Chanel too even notice me or tyler it's always Chanel never us anymore it's like we're ignored now but he having a new baby so....

i guess im not the baby of the family anymore it was always Kenzie than tyler than me now it's Kenzie , tyler , me , baby honestly i hate this so much it's already annoying having her here

but imagine a new born baby i love babies but not when you have too live with them i mean it's already hard enough that have toi try too sleep through moaning n groaning every night

but a BABY ON TOP OF IT i mean what the fuck "ARIANA MEEKS!!" yelled trey i got off stairs n went too the kitchen "what?" i said "are you studying" My dad asked "daddy can i do something i'm missing out on everything" I asked making puppy dog eyes "no shit" Said tyler making look at him while he laughed

"dad shes right" He said scrolling on his phone while eating cereal "like all my friends are doing stuff meanwhile i'm stuck here" I said "all of them" Said Tyler i wanted too fucking slap him like SHUT THE FUCK UP DAMN

"how abt you go too the studio with tyler" He said drinking his coffee "since he isn't gonna do shit but be a fucking wannabe rapper" My dad mumbled which made tyler mug tf outta him

"get dressed bro" Tyler said putting his dish in the sink walking off too his room slamming the door loudly my dad is well idk how too explain

but i have too find a outfit too wear cause i'm not a stalker but i know notti is there from his ig story so im gonna try for once ima try

but i have too find a outfit too wear cause i'm not a stalker but i know notti is there from his ig story so im gonna try for once ima try

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