12: I Have A Fun Two-Word Conversation With Ultron

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After a surprise visit from Nicky Fury and a nice dinner at the Barton's home, Clint, Steve, Natasha, and I took a jet to Seoul to stop Ultron from becoming all powerful with a new body, while Tony headed to NEXUS to find our supposed ally. Steve jumped out and onto the building in search of Helen, while the rest of us waited in the jet.

Helen's voice was detectable through the comms as she told Steve that Ultron was uploading himself into his new and improved body, and that the gem inside could level the city.

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve questioned over the comms.

"We did," Clint confirmed from up front of the jet.

Natasha and I searched through city cameras in the back as they spoke, looking for something that Ultron could be using. I saw nothing of importance as I switched through the screens.

Natasha found something first. "I got a private jet taking off across town," she said. "No manifest. That could be him."

"There," Clint countered, nodding to the road. "It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them." He looked at the screen up front as it made a few beeping sounds. "I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative!" Steve immediately protested. "If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."

The three of us in the jet watched as Steve jumped off of the loop and onto the roof of the truck. I felt power thrum through my body as I prepared myself to go and help fight.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy!" Steve informed us. "I'm gonna try and keep him that way."

"You're not a match for him, Cap," the archer claimed.

There was a moment of silence before Steve sarcastically said, "Thanks, Barton."

Clint flew the jet through the city, chasing Ultron and his truck. Steve fought against the robot on top of the vehicle, and my throat tightened every time Ultron struck him. I knew Steve could hold his own, but, as Clint mentioned, Steve wasn't a match for him. He'd eventually get worn down.

"We got a window," Clint informed Natasha and me.

Nat opened the bottom of the jet and got ready on the motorbike as Clint lowered the jet.

"Four, three... give 'em hell, ladies."

Natasha dropped from the jet on the bike and I followed, soaring through the air and towards the truck. I knocked Ultron over before he could get a good hit at Steve who, I noticed, had lost his shield somewhere.

"You," Ultron growled, his eyes on me.

"Me?" I asked, pointing to myself and feigning innocence as I landed on the truck.

A beam shot for me from my left and I barely had time to dodge. It hit the side of my arm and I turned to see more Ultron sentinels flying closer. After a glance and a nod from Steve I flew up and towards them, leaving Ultron to the supersoldier.

The Ultron bots were easy to disable in the air. I shot two separate blasts at them and they exploded from the force. I turned around and saw Natasha on the bike, throwing Steve's shield up to him, which he used to bash Ultron in the side of the head.

"Y/n, if you have a clear shot at the cradle, grab it and get it to Stark," Natasha ordered.

"On it," I replied, flying towards the truck.

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