02: Nick Fury Is Nothing More Than An Angry Pirate

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The next day I awoke to the sound of traffic in the streets. It took me a few moments to remember where I was, and that I was no longer trapped within Hydra's walls. The bed had been comfortable – almost too comfortable. I couldn't remember the last time I slept in a proper bed, or if I ever had. But I must have – when I was very small, and my parents took care of me.

I slowly got out of the bed, pushing the covers back and then making the bed neatly. I had a shower, feeling a bit better under the spray of water, and dressed in the clothes Natasha Romanoff had gotten for me. They were exactly my size, and I was grateful for her skilled eye.

Once I was ready, I stood at the door for a few minutes, debating whether I really wanted to leave this solace room. In here, I felt like I was safe, like I had no obligation to do anything or be anyone. But I knew as soon as I opened that door and stepped out and into the hallway, that would no longer be true. I could just stay in this room forever. Maybe the Avengers would let me live in peace in this room.

But that wasn't what I really wanted. I wanted to help, to use my power to take down Hydra and stop them from taking people and ruining their lives and futures. I wanted to end the pain and suffering that Hydra caused, and I knew that the Avengers could help me do that. So I took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Nothing interesting happened, nothing to indicate that I was making potentially the biggest decision of my life. The door's hinges didn't even squeak. It was silent as I stepped out of the room and walked to the elevator.

"Jarvis?" I ventured.

"How can I help you, Miss?" a voice responded.

"Where am I supposed to go?" I asked.

"I will take you to the eight-eighth floor," Jarvis replied. "It is the common area for all of the Avengers. They are waiting for you."

I felt anxiety spike in my chest at the mention of the Avengers, especially since they were all waiting for me. They'd been nice to me so far, but... what if I was viewed as a threat? What if they thought I was a spy, or something of the sort? How could I prove that I wasn't?

The elevator trip was not as long as I wanted it to be, as there was only a three-floor difference, and the elevator doors opened into a luxurious lounge room. There were chairs and couches placed artfully around the room, as well as a large flat-screen TV mounted onto the left wall. Windows lined the far side of the room, displaying the view of the city of Manhattan.

Six people were in the room. Tony Stark sat on one of the couches next to Bruce Banner, and it looked like they were working on something on a holographic screen. Clint Barton was perched on the edge of one of the couches, a book in one hand and an apple in the other. Thor sat on another couch munching on a box of pop-tarts. Natasha Romanoff stood near the elevator doors, her arms crossed and feet placed in a strategic defensive position. Steve was the closest to the elevator doors, and gave me an encouraging smile as he walked over.

"Everyone," he addressed the Avengers, "this is Y/n. Y/n, this is everyone."

I smiled nervously and waved. Bruce smiled back cautiously, and Tony Stark looked me up and down. Clint gave a half wave, and Natasha just stared at me, her gaze scrutinising. Everyone continued to look at me, and I felt like melting into the wall and disappearing forever. Couldn't one of them say something?

As if he had read my mind, Thor stood up and beamed at me. "Hello, Lady Y/n! It is a pleasure to meet you!"

Thor was loud and enthusiastic. My smile became a little less strained as I answered him. "Hi, Thor. It's nice to meet you, too."

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