08: I Take A Nap Instead Of Looking At Files

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"All our work is gone," Bruce confirmed. "Ultron cleared out, used the internet as an escape hatch."

"Ultron," Steve repeated, sounding peeved.

We were all spread across the lab. Steve and I stood together near a table with tools and bits of scrap metal strewn over it. Tony was on the other side of the table, studying the remaining pieces of  the Iron Legion bots. Maria sat on a chair, picking glass out of her foot. I wished I could help her, but with the fight still buzzing in my veins, I knew I wouldn't have enough concentration to try to focus on that tiny bit of healing magic I possessed.

"He's been in everything," Natasha noted. "Files, surveillance... Probably knows more about us than we know about each other."

"He's in your files, he's in the internet," Rhodes began, standing up. He clutched his arm and once again I felt a twinge of guilt at not being able to help. "What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"

Maria looked up from her work. "Nuclear codes."

"Nuclear codes," Rhodey echoed. "Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

This was not what I'd been expecting when I'd joined the Avengers – or, well, started training to join the Avengers. I thought we would be on the attack, that we would be the ones striking fear into our enemy's hearts.

"Nukes?" Natasha countered. "He said he wanted us dead."

"He didn't say dead," Steve interrupted. "He said 'extinct'."

"He also said he killed somebody," Clint added, clutching the metal railing so hard I could see the whites of his knuckles, even from across the room.

Maria shook her head at the archer. "But there wasn't anyone else in the building."

There was a pause as Tony walked to the centre of the room. "Yes there was."

Tony flicked his hologram, which brought up a three-dimensional image of a yellow sphere. It was broken in places and flickering in and out of view. It took me a second to realise that it was Jarvis's consciousness.

"This is insane." Bruce stared at Jarvis, his eyes looking over everything.

"Jarvis was the first line of defence," Steve acknowledged. "He would've shut Ultron down, it makes sense."

Bruce shook his head. "No. Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is...rage."

An image flashed into my mind, an image of my power pouring out of me as I screamed with rage and pain, anguish overwhelming my senses as I screamed until my lungs gave out and I collapsed to my knees. I blinked and it was gone, as if it was never there. But it had felt real...

Just as the vision faded, Thor came barging into the room with purpose. He stalked across the floor all the way to Tony and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up and into the air. I instantly got into a defensive position, my hands glowing golden as I prepared for a fight.

"Come on, use your words, buddy," Tony directed, which only seemed to make the god angrier.

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark," Thor growled.

Steve took a few steps forwards towards the confrontation. "Thor. The legionnaire."

Thor paused, turning to Steve, before putting Tony down, a bit more forcefully than necassary. I drowned out the conversation as I looked at each of the people in the room. Everyone here was powerful, in their own way. While there were those who had supernatural powers like Thor and myself, there were those who had strength, and some whose power was knowledge. They all contributed to the team in their own way.

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